Preston Pirates 2014 Annual Report Web - page 28

Responding to feedback from the previous season we com-
menced training earlier than in previous years, offered more
than one training night for those who wanted additional
training opportunities and conducted specialist training
The early start to training before the club rooms were
handed back to us by La Trobe did present some challenges
in the first few weeks. This is something we will consider as
part of planning for the 2014-2015 season.
The first of the specialist training sessions was a full day
camp held at the Melbourne Ballpark in early September.
This was great experience for our junior players to train at
the Melbourne Ballpark the home of the Melbourne Aces
and to get some specialist coaching on a range of skills.
We aim to make this an annual fixture and build upon it next
To improve communication we introduced a weekly Junior
Newsletter which was sent to all Junior players families every
week throughout the season excluding the Christmas break.
This weekly newsletter will be expanded in the 2014-2015
season to be a club wide newsletter covering Masters,
Seniors and Juniors.
We also used Facebook extensively throughout the season
to provide updates and publish match reports for the junior
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