Preston Pirates 2014 Annual Report Web - page 35

Jean Fowler: Junior Club Person Award.
Jean was very short in physical stature (less than 5ft in
height), but very tall in spirit and action. She was a proficient
cricketer and probably, through that sporting interest,
married Ron Fowler who played baseball at Preston in the
1950’s. His father, Len, was President from 1954 to 1962.
The sporting genes continued on through a son Graham
(“Chooka”), who was successful in both cricket and baseball,
being one of the first Under-14’s to play at Preston in 1961.
Jean supported the club as canteen manager and also scorer
for juniors in the morning and the first IX in the afternoon –
Saturdays in those days. Jean had a very strict interpretation
of the rules of scoring. To get a safe hit with Jean scoring,
you really had to earn it and if you dropped a foul fly, that
was an error – as per the rules.
Unfortunately, Jean died relatively early, in her forties and to
honour her contributions to the club, a memorial trophy was
inaugurated, to be presented annually for the best junior
clubman. Any inspection of the PBC honour board will reveal
some noticeable recipients of this award, which is a fitting
tribute to the memory of a fine person.
2013-2014: Paul Welsh
Jimmy Stewart: Senior Club Person Award.
Jimmy was a keen player with Collingwood Baseball Club –
later to become Keon Park Magpies, who unfortunately died
in his youth, Although he never secured a regular place in
senior teams, he loved the game and this passion was ac-
knowledged by his parents, who initiated the Jimmy Stewart
memorial trophy, to be awarded to the best senior clubman.
2013-2014: Micheal Deeble
Life Membership. The Ken Bowe Medal.
This award was re named Ken Bowe life member award in
honour of a great and long time Member of the Preston
Baseball club in 2004. His service to the club as a player and
committee members was outstanding during his 50-year
2013-2014: Not Awarded
The Westcott Memorial Trophy. Best Firsts Team Player,
Club Champion.
Awarded to the best First nine player and is memory of Ar-
thur Westcott, who was a Preston player killed during active
service in WW2. First awarded in 1943 - to Tom Procter.
2013-2014: Cameron Deeble
Lawrence Nagle Member Trophy.
It was the Collingwood/Keon Park best first nine award, and
after Preston amalgamated with Keon Park Magpies, it was
awarded to the most consistent first nine player. Lawrence
Nagle was killed in WW2.
2013-2014: Not Awarded
The Jon Deeble Junior Rising Star Award.
Named after one of the clubs most talented and loyal players
in our history. Represented us at national and international
level both as a player and coach for major league clubs. Has
won 3 world serries rings with Boston red socks and Florida
Marlins. A pioneer in the game of baseball in Australia.
Awarded to a talented junior player who exhibits their
individual baseball skills and attitude to the game and the
club at a high level.
2013-2014: Luke Utting
The Colin Miler Award.
Col Miller a standout member of our club for many decades
both on the field and off the field. He has been president
and held many committee positions. Represented us at
national and international level. A pioneer in the game of
baseball in Victoria. Awarded to the best first or 2nd year
rising star in the 1st senior team.
2013-2014: Josh Bride
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