Preston Pirates 2014 Annual Report Web - page 33

Good luck to Adrian Fittock former Junior, current senior
and junior coach who is fulfilling his dream of going to
college in the US to study and play ball.
Adrian is off to the US in August. Good Luck Adrian we
look forward to seeing you back at the club when you
visit home.
Four years ago Marshall Skinner, our Junior Club Coach, set out a Five Year Plan. We are beginning to reap some
rewards from that program.
This year our junior numbers increased significantly and we fielded two U16, two U14, two U12 and two Coach Pitch/T-
Ball teams.
Thank you again to all the coaches, team managers, scorers, canteen helpers, event organisers and other volunteers
for helping to provide a great baseball experience for our Junior Pirates. Special thanks to all parents for getting your
kids to training and games. Finally thank you to all our junior players, you all played the game with great distinction
and are helping to build upon the great history and community of the Preston Pirates Baseball Club.
Myles Foreman
On behalf of the Junior Team
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