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Recent cases involving secret commissions have
served to bring racing into disrepute. Although
Australian Rule of Racing 175(a) makes it an offence to
engage in a “dishonest, corrupt, fraudulent, improper
or dishonourable action or practice in connection with
racing”, Racing Australia believes that a specific rule
outlawing secret commissions is required to maintain
public confidence in the industry.
Accordingly, the Board of Racing Australia has
introduced a new rule that will apply to the selling and
trading of all Thoroughbreds. The new rule will be in line
with proposed measures to bring forward transparency
of ownership from birth of a foal to capture all those
involved in the dealing of Thoroughbreds.
As this is my last Annual Report following my
resignation as CEO on 16 December, 2016, I wish to
take the opportunity to thank my colleagues and staff
for their support over almost 5 years. It has been an
entirely enjoyable and productive workplace where
all have striven to implement the vision conceived in
the Australian Racing Board and executed through
Racing Australia. There are far too many to individually
name but I do want to acknowledge the invaluable
contribution of my senior colleagues Operations CEO
Myles Foreman and Owners and Breeders Services
Manager Jacqueline Stewart towards Racing Australia’s
I also wish to thank Racing Executive Mary Capuano
and Manager (Regulation and Policy) Brent Leisemann
for their support and commitment. We worked closely
and harmoniously as a team at first the Australian
Racing Board (ARB) and then Racing Australia.
I wish to acknowledge and thank Chairman
John Messara AM for his unfailing support and
guidance. He is a chairman who leads from the front
and never wavered in his vision of Racing Australia
ushering in a new era of integrity and animal welfare
standards. He brought great dedication and conviction
to his chairmanship and was a consistent source of
inspiration for staff and Directors alike. I am grateful to
him for his counsel and friendship.
I also wish to acknowledge the support and
encouragement given to me by Racing Australia
Directors and State and Territory Principal Racing
Authorities. They were generous and forthcoming at all
times with their counsel, advice and resources.
It has been a privilege to lead the organisation in its
formative years and I wish it well into the future.
Peter McGauran
Chief Executive Officer