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The central vision for the Single National System from
which all other objectives emanate is the principal of
the creation of a unique identification for all industry
Principal Racing Authorities and industry participants
are now benefiting nationally from the SNS. Recent
examples of inefficient paper based processes which
are now available online include: (1) Trainer Licence
Renewals, (2) Jockey Licence Renewals, (3) Syndicate
Renewals; (4) Jockey Silk Renewals and (5) Stable
Employee Licence Renewals.
Individual Principal Racing Authorities are progressively
making these online renewals available. Development
of Horse Naming, Transfers and Leases has been
completed and is ready to go live with Foal Ownership
Declarations in early 2017.
The final completion date of the SNS was reviewed and
reset several times throughout the year due to other
significant Racing Australia related projects.
In early 2017 the transition of the one remaining original
Principal Racing Authority and the Registrar function will
complete transition onto the SNS.
Racing and Wagering Western Australia (RWWA) which
committed to the SNS later will complete the vision of a
truly national database in 2017.
Racing Australia provides well established centralised
bureau services to the industry which reduce the cost
of service delivery to participants by one national
investment in people and infrastructure. Expansion of
these bureau services has long been a core strategy
of Racing Australia where Racing Australia provides
financial benefit to Principal Racing Authorities through
expanded service standards to industry participants.
Throughout the year the implementation of the
Single National System has progressively provided new
centralised tools to manage industry services.
Racing Australia has been working to expand its
existing bureau service offering by introducing services
which manage on behalf of Principal Racing Authorities,
Licensing (for final approval by Principal Racing
Authorities), Bonus Scheme Registration, Jockey Silk
registration, and the functions of the Deputy Registrar,
Transfers and Leases.
Following extensive development of the SNS and
resourcing, Racing Australia will commence providing
these expanded bureau services to Principal Racing
Authorities from early 2017.
Racing Australia’s growth continues to be built upon
the dedication and commitment of our people. Racing
never stops and neither do our people as our products
and services are relied upon 24 hours per day 365
days of the year. In order to support these products and
services Racing Australia continues to attract and retain
a diverse group of individuals with a broad range of
racing and non racing experience and skills.
Our culture thrives on challenging the norm and
on ongoing innovation. As our role is to support
the industry our best innovation is often not even
identifiable as being delivered by Racing Australia.
Having consolidated the merger of the Australian Stud
Book (ASB) and the Registrar of Racehorses (ROR) the
next twelve months will deliver the most significant and
beneficial change to the operation of the Registrar and
Deputy Registrar functions ever with Owners able to
transact and complete functions online via the SNS.
Integrity, timeliness and accuracy of our products and
services are central to our policies, procedures and
culture. We are focused upon delivering the highest
quality of service which is monitored and reported
against our service performance standards.
With the SNS project nearing its conclusion,
consolidation of the merger completed, consistently
strong financial performance and service standards
exceeding targets, Racing Australia is well positioned
for continued innovation and financial growth.
Myles Foreman
Operations Chief Executive Officer