Preston Pirates 2014 Annual Report Web - page 5

You’re going to visit a ball field soon Peter. Something you
haven’t been well enough to do for some time. And playing
ball was a great pleasure for you.
The ground is not going to be too flash. It’s actually a
rural ground, but quite pleasant in appearance. There are
bleachers for the fans, but not in great abundance. At the
end of the right field fence is the ground keepers white
weatherboard house – neat, tidy and in keeping with the
rural setting.
When you arrive you will see a number of people you
remember. As the stands fill you will recognise committee
members, coaches, ex-presidents, players and the score
keeper, who will be quite familiar.
A warm summer’s breeze will carry the inviting aromas
of hot dogs and popcorn. These will compete with an old
fellow, in a flannel shirt, cooking snags and chops. Once he
throws the onions on the grill, there will be quite a queue at
the end of his Barbecue.
It’s a great day. The sun always shines on this ground.
And there is a generous spirit that is steeped in this place.
Everyone enjoys the day and all look forward to new arrivals.
As a rookie you will be on the bench to commence with.
And the new uniform will be a perfect fit. They always are.
Someone had a good idea of your size in advance. And let
me also add; you will be moving with ease and flexibility –
no pains or aches….imagine that!
You will soak up the atmosphere. Just to sit and watch will
be a treat for you. But now you are a player, once again. And,
as is the case with all rookies, you will be called into action.
The fans love this, because the rookies get a special moment
on the day.
Late in the game the coach will come to you and point in
your direction with his left hand. You will notice that he is
missing half his index finger, when he points to you. You
know this man. “Sincoe”; he barks. ”We’re at the bottom of
the 7th, behind, with 2 out and men on second and third. I
need you to pinch hit. Apparently you’re good in the clutch”
The crowd has a pretty good idea what is coming next. They
always do with rookies. They know the sun shines on first
gamers, but you don’t know that. No one in the crowd is
surprised when you park the ball deep into the corn field for
a homer.
When you return to the bench you will look to your left
and notice there is room for more players. Don’t be too
concerned. These spaces will be filled in time. And they will
be filled with people you know. A team will come together
once again. It’s going to be a good time.
The ball game is only part of what’s to come, but it is such a
great start for you. Enjoy your first match. And we’ll see you
a little later mate!
Ron Mack....Friend
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