Racing Australia Annual Report 2015 - page 17

Racing Australia Annual Report 2015
| 15
(ii) Vendor register
It is unsatisfactory that buyers at sales do not have full
information as to the vendor(s) identity.
Racing Australia and the sales companies have reached
agreement whereby a register will be published listing
all the beneficial owners of a horse offered for auction.
It is not always practical to list multiple vendors in the
catalogue with many horses being offered for sale by
the breeder as agent for undisclosed vendor(s).
However, in the future buyers will know exactly who the
vendors are from the register available for inspection.
Currently only abbreviated details, if any, of vendors
are available to buyers. Once the system of registering
ownership from a horse’s birth is implemented following
the 2016 breeding season, vendors can be identified by
Racing Australia and made known to buyers by way of a
register at sales.
(iii) Social obligations
Recognizing its social and workplace obligations,
Racing Australia has introduced for the first time new
rules relating to anti-racial vilification and inappropriate
social media. By extension, a rule common to most
competitive sports requiring participants to report
corrupt approaches was introduced.
In conclusion, I wish to acknowledge and thank
Chairman John Messara AM and the Board for their
support and encouragement in pursuing a reform
agenda. I am pleased to say that my colleagues at
Racing Australia have risen to the challenge and
melded 3 organisations into an effective and efficient
national regulator which acts in the best interests of the
national industry. Racing Australia has had a busy and
demanding first year, sure to be the harbinger of things
to come.
Peter McGauran
Chief Executive Officer
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