
74 Fay Catherine Howe was the Breaksea Island Lighthouse Keeper’s daughter. Over the 2 to 3 week build-up of the first armada in King George Sound Albany, she became the object of attention of many a lonely trooper. Subsequently, during hostilities, many men with no family back home, wrote letters to her simply addressed: THE LIGHTHOUSE KEEPER’S DAUGHTER BREAKSEA ISLAND ALBANY W.A. The letters remained with the family for many years. Unfortunately, over time they have been misplaced. Fay’s 83yr old son was, however, a guest of honour at the opening of the National Anzac Centre at Albany. This ceremony was presided over by no lesser dignitaries than the Prime Ministers of Australia and New Zealand, and the Premier of W.A. on 1st November 2014; the Centenary of the first sailing. By Bill Gibbins The story of GIRL IN THE LIGHTHOUSE