$5 Townsville Turf Club RACE DAY THURSDAY 6 MARCH 2025
Racecourse Road, Cluden, Townsville QLD 4811 PO Box 2547, Idalia QLD 4811 Phone: (07) 4778 2400 Email: info@cludenpark.com.au www.cludenpark.com.au Board Of Directors President: Geoff Weeks Vice President: Alan Dean Committee: Debbie Rains, John Horan, Mark Lovelady, Julian Tomlinson club OFFICIALS Chief Executive Officer: Wayne Croton Racing & Operations Manager: Liam McKay Events: events@cludenpark.com.au Membership: admin@cludenpark.com.au raceday OFFICIALS QRIC Stipendiary Stewards: North QLD Panel Handicapper: Racing QLD Judge: QRIC Representative Assistant Judge: McKenna Bates Clerk of Scales: Genya Doherty Swab Official: QRIC Representative Clerks of Course: Gary Ryan & Bryce Davidson Race Announcer: Tony Wode Farrier: Glen Sharp 0418 743 102 Veterinary Surgeon: Burdekin Veterinary Services Medical Officials: Queensland Ambulance Service Official Photographer: Trackside Photography www.tracksidephotography.com rail position: +6m 1000m-W/Post; +2m Remainder
Race 1 - 1:32PM LADBROKES FORM GENIUS QTIS Two-Year-Old Handicap (1200 METRES) 4 THE KOBAY TRAIN Blinkers FIRST TIME Race 2 - 2:07PM LADBROKES RACING CLUB BENCHMARK 65 Handicap (1000 METRES) 2 TORONADO ROUGE Cross-over Nose Band OFF FIRST TIME Race 3 - 2:42PM LADBROKES BLACKBOOK OPEN Handicap (1000 METRES) 2 KING JESTER Blinkers OFF AGAIN Race 4 - 3:17PM LADBROKES PUNTER ASSIST BENCHMARK 72 Handicap (1609 METRES) *** All Clear *** Race 5 - 3:57PM HYGAIN QTIS Three-Year-Old Maiden Plate (1000 METRES) 2 CHARGIN’ Bubble Cheeker (Near Side) FIRST TIME, Lugging Bit FIRST TIME 3 IGNAZIO Blinkers FIRST TIME, Winkers OFF FIRST TIME 7 SEABEE Blinkers OFF FIRST TIME, Ear Muffs (Pre-Race Only) OFF FIRST TIME, Tongue Control and Lugging Bit FIRST TIME, Winkers FIRST TIME Race 6 - 4:37PM MITAVITE Maiden Handicap (1200 METRES) 1 BINGHAMTON Cross-over Nose Band OFF FIRST TIME, Lugging Bit OFF FIRST TIME, Tongue Control Bit FIRST TIME 3 MAJESTIC BLAZE Blinkers OFF FIRST TIME, Winkers FIRST TIME 4 OUR FOLLY Ear Muffs (Pre-Race Only) FIRST TIME 9 TORQUE OF DREAMS Nasal Strip FIRST TIME, Tongue Tie FIRST TIME Race 7 - 5:10PM INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY @ CLUDEN PARK BENCHMARK 60 Handicap (1400 METRES) *** All Clear *** Race 8 - 5:50PM GREAT NORTHERN BREWING CO RATINGS BAND 0 - 55 Handicap (1000 METRES) 3 OVOID Blinkers FIRST TIME, Cross-over Nose Band OFF AGAIN 8 REEMYYA (NZ) Ear Muffs (Pre-Race Only) OFF FIRST TIME GEAR CHANGES 1:32pm Race 1 LADBROKES FORM GENIUS QTIS Two-Year-Old Handicap 1200m 2:07pm Race 2 LADBROKES RACING CLUB BENCHMARK 65 Handicap 1000m 2:42pm Race 3 LADBROKES BLACKBOOK OPEN Handicap 1000m 3:17pm Race 4 LADBROKES PUNTER ASSIST BENCHMARK 72 Handicap 1609m 3:57pm Race 5 HYGAIN QTIS Three-Year-Old Maiden Plate 1000m 4:37pm Race 6 MITAVITE Maiden Handicap 1200m 5:10pm Race 7 INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY @ CLUDEN PARK BENCHMARK 60 Handicap 1400m 5:50pm Race 8 GREAT NORTHERN BREWING CO RATINGS BAND 0 - 55 Handicap 1000m TODAY’s RACES thursday, 6th MARCH 2025
horse stalls directory Race Horse Stall Race Horse Stall Race Horse Stall 7 Acclimatise 6 2 Amnesty 78 8 Arrogant Heart 4 7 Barmera 84 6 Binghamton 39 5 Brave Eddy 63 1 Cascia 15 4 Castile 1 5 Chargin’ 3 2 Chartwell 76 7 Craicaro 25 3 Crowning Moment 86 7 Decrypting Gold 18 4 Early Thoughts 34 7 Elleves 29 1 Fabulean 74 3 Family Star 8 4 Finsceal 22 6 Glad Rag Doll 41 3 Go Getaboy 5 1 Gymnosomata 14 5 Ignazio 38 7 Ilzoomya 32 7 Kidston 40 3 King Jester 71 2 Kitema 56 2 Lady Damus 79 6 Looming One 77 1 Louis Auguste 69 8 Lucky Rolla 61 6 Majestic Blaze 58 8 Margot Barbie 19 8 Mishani Maverick 31 5 Miss Comaneci 72 5 Mysterious Bay 24 4 Mystery ‘N’ Magic 62 1 Nosey Neo 68 4 Olympic Korchnoi 81 6 Our Folly 10 5 Outbid 9 8 Ovoid 83 8 Premium Star 60 7 Read ‘Em And Weep 11 8 Reemyya 85 2 Roth ‘N’ Bubble 7 1 Royal Prophecy 16 5 Seabee 30 6 She’s A Mission 82 5 Sheez Brutaful 64 7 Sir Maximus 2 6 Sneaky Tay 28 8 Snitzaroo 26 6 Spring’s Gift 36 4 Strathcona 20 8 The Hairdresser 23 1 The Kobay Train 70 8 Threebrothers 57 2 Toronado Rogue 66 6 Torque Of Dream 73 3 Tycoon Beau 80 3 Under The Limit 21 6 Whata Bobbi Dazzla 59 2 Win And Tonic 17 8 Zara Dansait 67 Disclaimer The publisher accepts no responsibility for any errors or omissions in the information provided herein. Copyright © 2025 Racing Australia (and other parties working with it). Racing materials including fields, form and results, is subject to copyright which is owned by RA and other parties working with it © 2025 Racing Victoria Limited (and other parties working with it). VIC racing materials including fields, form and results, is subject to copyright which is owned by Racing Victoria Limited and other parties working with it. © 2025 Racing NSW (and other parties working with it). NSW racing materials including fields, form and results, is subject to copyright which is owned by Racing NSW and other parties working with it. © 2025 Racing Queensland (and other parties working with it). QLD racing materials including fields, form and results, is subject to copyright which is owned by Racing Queensland and other parties working with it. © 2025 Racing SA (RSA) (and other parties working with it). SA racing materials, including fields, form and results, is subject to copyright which is owned by RSA and other parties working with it. © 2025 Racing WA (RWA) (and other parties working with it). WA racing materials, including fields, form and results, is subject to copyright which is owned by RWA and other parties working with it. Racing Australia Limited Level 1 Racing Centre 400 Epsom Road, Flemington Vic 3031 www.racingaustralia.horse Published by Racing Australia
RUNNERS BY TRAINER # HOrse Race # HOrse Race # HOrse Race # HOrse Race Trevor & Peter Rowe 2 Olympic Korchnoi 4 5 She’s A Mission 6 3 Ovoid 8 Darby Amos 7 Seabee 5 1 Mishani Maverick 8 Alwyn Bailey 6 Kitema 2 6 Threebrothers 8 Stephen Bush 2 Snitzaroo 8 Tom Button 6 Under The Limit 3 6 Finsceal 4 5 The Hairdresser 8 Roy Chillemi 4 Mystery ‘N’ Magic 4 1 Brave Eddy 5 Troy Clive 7 Sneaky Tay 6 9 Elleves 7 Taylor Connor 8 Spring’s Gift 6 Peter Cullen 6 Mysterious Bay 5 8 Craicaro 7 Lindsay Hatch 6 Glad Rag Doll 6 Jennifer Hatfield 6 Fabulean 1 Georgie Holt 2 Gymnosomata 1 5 Cascia 1 7 Royal Prophecy 1 3 Win And Tonic 2 6 Decrypting Gold 7 7 Margot Barbie 8 Graham Hughes 4 Roth ‘N’ Bubble 2 3 Family Star 3 4 Outbid 5 4 Our Folly 6 7 Read ‘Em And Weep 7 Darryl Johnston 2 Toronado Rouge 2 11 Zara Dansait 8 Bill Kenning 3 Ignazio 5 1 Binghamton 6 5 Kidston 7 Alex Malliff 3 Majestic Blaze 6 10 Whata Bobbi Dazzla 6 4 Premium Star 8 10 Lucky Rolla 8 Joshua Manzelmann 1 Nosey Neo 1 3 Louis Auguste 1 4 The Kobay Train 1 Lachie Manzelmann 2 King Jester 3 5 Miss Comaneci 5 9 Torque Of Dreams 6 Stephen Massingham 1 Amnesty 2 7 Lady Damus 2 5 Tycoon Beau 3 Liliana McCormack 8 Sheez Brutaful 5 Ken McGuire 9 Arrogant Heart 8 Matthew McGuire 1 Castile 4 3 Sir Maximus 7 Patrick McGuire 2 Chargin’ 5 Megan Purvis 5 Strathcona 4 Shryn Royes 1 Ilzoomya 7 Steven Royes 1 Go Getaboy 3 2 Acclimatise 7 Julie Russell 3 Early Thoughts 4 Janel Ryan 4 Barmera 7 8 Reemyya 8 Rhein Sewell 5 Chartwell 2 2 Looming One 6 Fred Wieland 4 Crowning Moment 3 RIDES BY Jockey # HOrse Race # HOrse Race # HOrse Race # HOrse Race Undeclared 3 Louis Auguste 1 6 Fabulean 1 6 Glad Rag Doll 6 4 Premium Star 8 McKenzie Apel 7 Royal Prophecy 1 2 Toronado Rouge 2 5 She’s A Mission 6 11 Zara Dansait 8 Wanderson D’Avila 2 Chargin’ 5 1 Binghamton 6 3 Sir Maximus 7 3 Ovoid 8 Aidan Holt 2 Looming One 6 Graham Kliese 6 Mysterious Bay 5 2 Snitzaroo 8 Tyler Leslight 1 Brave Eddy 5 1 Ilzoomya 7 Chris Meehan 6 Kitema 2 6 Under The Limit 3 2 Olympic Korchnoi 4 4 Outbid 5 3 Majestic Blaze 6 5 Kidston 7 9 Arrogant Heart 8 Kiran Quilty 2 Gymnosomata 1 3 Win And Tonic 2 6 Decrypting Gold 7 7 Margot Barbie 8 Gabrielle Semmens 1 Nosey Neo 1 4 Mystery ‘N’ Magic 4 7 Seabee 5 8 Spring’s Gift 6 2 Acclimatise 7 Adam Sewell 2 King Jester 3 5 Miss Comaneci 5 9 Torque Of Dreams 6 Justin Stanley 5 Cascia 1 5 Chartwell 2 3 Family Star 3 6 Finsceal 4 3 Ignazio 5 4 Our Folly 6 7 Read ‘Em And Weep 7 5 The Hairdresser 8 Jason Taylor 4 Roth ‘N’ Bubble 2 5 Strathcona 4 8 Sheez Brutaful 5 10 Whata Bobbi Dazzla 6 8 Craicaro 7 10 Lucky Rolla 8 Nathan Thomas 4 The Kobay Train 1 7 Lady Damus 2 5 Tycoon Beau 3 3 Early Thoughts 4 7 Sneaky Tay 6 9 Elleves 7 6 Threebrothers 8 Amanda Thomson 4 Crowning Moment 3 4 Barmera 7 8 Reemyya 8 Ryan Wiggins 1 Amnesty 2 1 Go Getaboy 3 1 Castile 4 1 Mishani Maverick 8
stewards report Race 1 LADBROKES FORM GENIUS QTIS Two-Year-Old Handicap 1200M Nosey Neo Bumped on jumping when OUR EAGLE ROCK shifted in. Laid in when placed under pressure in the home straight. MKAY 21/02/2025 Gymnosomata Jumped away awkwardly and shifted out abruptly, heavily bumping shortly after the start. Near the 1000m, had to steady to avoid heels of another runner which shifted in, and raced keenly for some distance afterwards. MKAY 03/01/2025 Cascia Bumped after the start. Improved onto heels passing the 500 metres and had to be steadied. Held up in the early and middle part of the final straight and passing the 100 metres had to be steadied when RAFF VADER shifted in marginally. Was unable to be fully tested over the concluding stages. TOWN 27/02/2025 Fabulean Impeded at the start. MKAY 14/12/2024 Royal Prophecy Hampered near the 200 metres when ACCEPT POWER shifted in. TOWN 27/02/2025 Race 2 LADBROKES RACING CLUB BENCHMARK 65 Handicap 1000M Amnesty Over raced in the early stages. CRNS 13/09/2024 Toronado Rouge Began awkwardly. Rdr could offer no excuse for disappointing performance. A post race vet exam revealed no abs. IPSW 07/01/2025 Win And Tonic Jumped out at the start taking SNITZAROO onto YELLOWSTONE BETH which was checked TOWN 13/02/2025 Roth ‘N’ Bubble egan awkwardly before being slow into stride as a result. Raced in restricted room momentarily passing the 600m when DAIMYO was racing keenly. Bumped near the 200m with NIC ME SOME. MKAY 21/02/2025 Chartwell Jumped awkwardly and shifted out. WYNG 31/10/2024 Lady Damus Laid in under pressure in the home straight. CRNS 24/08/2024 Race 3 LADBROKES BLACKBOOK OPEN Handicap 1000M King Jester Slow to begin. TOWN 13/02/2025 Family Star Inclined to lay in over the final 300 metres and near the 150 metres shifted in and bumped with CROWNING MOMENT.TOWN 27/02/2025 Crowning Moment Bumped on jumping away. Laid out under pressure over the final 300 metres. TOWN 27/02/2025 Tycoon Beau Raced keenly in the early stages when being steadied. TOWN 06/10/2024 Under The Limit Steadied near the 700m when BRAD shifted in. MKAY 21/02/2025 Race 4 LADBROKES PUNTER ASSIST BENCHMARK 72 Handicap 1609M Castile Lost the near-front and near hind plates during the running. TOWN 27/02/2025 Olympic Korchnoi (BRZ) Began awkwardly and crowded for room between runners shortly after the start. CRNS 15/02/2025 Mystery ‘N’ Magic Began awkwardly and raced greenly throughout. TOWN 27/02/2025 Strathcona As the gates opened STRATHCONA abruptly got its head down resulting in Jockey R Wiggins being dislodged. TOWN 13/02/2025 Race 5 HYGAIN QTIS Three-Year-Old Maiden Plate 1000M Chargin’ Bumped on jumping away. A post-race veterinary examination revealed no abnormalities. BLNA 04/11/2024 Ignazio Eased off heels when racing keenly near the 600m. MORN 19/01/2025 Outbid Eescaped from its attendant in the tie-up area and travelled a short distance before being recaptured; underwent a veterinary examination and passed fit to race; travelled wide in the early stages; dictated wider passing the 700 metres when I’LLTELLYOUSO ran out. TOWN 18/01/2025 Miss Comaneci Steadied soon after the start when crowded. Laid in when placed under pressure in the home straight. MKAY 21/02/2025 Mysterious Bay Proved difficult to load. TOWN 18/01/2025 Sheez Brutaful Over-raced for a short distance passing the 900 metres. Commenced to lay in passing the 600 metres and could not be ridden to full advantage over the concluding stages. TOWN 27/02/2025
Race 6 MITAVITE Maiden Handicap 1200M Binghamton Over-raced in the early stages. Laid in near the 150 metres having to be corrected. TOWN 20/02/2025 Majestic Blaze Slow to begin. Shifted in making contact with running rail near the 900 metres. Took no competitive part in the race and finished tailed off. CRNS 15/02/2025 Our Folly Laid in under pressure in the home straight and shifted in approaching the winning post. TOWN 20/02/2025 She’s A Mission Tightened for room on jumping and forced outwards becoming awkwardly place on heels, was restrained and lost ground. CRNS 15/02/2025 Glad Rag Doll Began awkwardly before attempting to buck in the early stages of the event. DALB 02/12/2024 Whata Bobbi Dazzla Slow to begin. CRNS 15/02/2025 Race 7 INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY @ CLUDEN PARK BENCHMARK 60 Handicap 1400M Acclimatise Began awkwardly throwing its head in the air and was tightened for room. Tendency to over race in the early stages. Laid out rounding the home turn. Crowded for room near the 200 metres and was steadied. TOWN 20/02/2025 Sir Maximus Slow to begin. TOWN 20/02/2025 Barmera Began very awkwardly. CRNS 15/02/2025 Kidston Held up throughout the final straight and was unable to be tested by its rider. TOWN 27/02/2025 Decrypting Gold Shifted in at the start tightening runners to its inside. Laid in under pressure near the 200 metres crowding ACCLIMATISE. TOWN 20/02/2025 Read ‘Em And Weep Travelled 3-wide without cover throughout. TOWN 18/01/2025 Craicaro Had to alter course inwards to obtain clear running passing the 250 metres. TOWN 27/02/2025 Elleves Over-raced in the early and middle stages. TOWN 20/02/2025 Race 8 GREAT NORTHERN BREWING CO RATINGS BAND 0 - 55 Handicap 1000M Mishani Maverick Raced keenly in the early stages. When asked for a comment on the performance, rider stated that MISHANI MAVERICK had travelled only fairly throughout the early and middle stages and had proved disappointing when asked for an effort in the home straight. A post-race veterinary examination revealed minor lacerations to the gelding’s near-foreleg and also was found to have lost that leg’s plate. MKAY 23/12/2024 Snitzaroo Hampered on jumping. TOWN 13/02/2025 Premium Star Began awkwardly and lost ground. Continued to lose ground and finished tailed off. CRNS 17/08/2024 The Hairdresser Connections advised of their intention to ride the mare further back due to the wide barrier draw. Settled off-pace. Raced in restricted room for some distance in the early part of the home straight. ROCK 30/01/2025 Threebrothers Dipped shortly after the start. Raced three-wide without cover throughout. Laid over the concluding stages and steadied away from the heels of JAWGO at the wining post.INGH 16/11/2024 Margot Barbie On returning to scale jockey J. Stanley advised the filly anticipated the start becoming very awkward as the start was effected and put its head down resulting in him being dislodged TOWN 20/02/2025 Arrogant Heart Had to be steadied off the heels of SNAZZY SNITZEL when over-racing near the 850 metres. MKAY 17/09/2024 Zara Dansait Jumped away awkwardly. GLAD 14/12/2024 stewards report
club master premierships 2024-25 Jockeys # Jockey 1st 2nd 3rd 1 Ryan Wiggins 19 8 11 2 Lacey Morrison 12 12 4 3 Ashley Butler 10 11 6 4 Adam Sewell 8 6 8 5 Nathan Day 6 5 8 6 Justin Stanley 6 4 5 7 Justin Huxtable 5 2 1 8 Nathan Thomas 4 6 4 9 Wanderson D'Avila 4 2 5 10 Gabrielle Semmens (a) 4 1 3 TRAINERS # Trainer 1st 2nd 3rd 1 Georgie Holt 12 13 10 2 Stephen Massingham 10 7 3 3 Tom Button 10 1 4 4 Lindsay Hatch 8 3 2 5 Roy Chillemi 4 4 5 6 Bill Kenning 4 3 1 7 Graham Hughes 3 7 6 8 John Manzelmann 3 4 3 9 Matthew McGuire 3 4 4 10 Lachie Manzelmann 3 3 2 Current Standings
Race 1 Townsville LADBROKES FORM GENIUS QTIS Two-Year-Old Handicap 1:32pm 1200m Of $23,000. 1st $12,800, 2nd $4,000, 3rd $2,200, 4th $1,050, 5th $750, 6th $440, 7th $440. QTIS 2YO $12000 Bonuses: First $8500, Second $2300, Third $1200, to qualified horses. QTIS 2YO Fillies $6,000 (1st $4,250, 2nd $1,150, 3rd $600). For Two-Years-Old. Handicap. Apprentices can claim. Track Record: 1-08.03E Collingridge (17/04/1999) [Good3]; Yallah Stinger (22/07/2000) [Firm2] Class Record: 1-08.88E Bush Diamond (19/05/2023) [Good4] No. Last 10 Horse Name Br. Trainer Jockey Wgt Hcp Rtg Jockey Trainer Distance Track 1 54222s12 Nosey Neo 5 Joshua Manzelmann Gabrielle Semmens (a2/54kg) 59 0 17% 6% • • 2 43s Gymnosomata 1 Georgie Holt Kiran Quilty (a3/55.5kg) 54.5 0 4% 20% 3 065s Louis Auguste 4 Joshua Manzelmann 54.5 0 6% 4 The Kobay Train 7 Joshua Manzelmann Nathan Thomas 54.5 0 6% 6% 5 65s25 Cascia 2 Georgie Holt Justin Stanley 54 0 19% 20% 6 P4s Fabulean 3 Jennifer Hatfield 54 0 7% 7 44s32 Royal Prophecy 6 Georgie Holt McKenzie Apel (a3/54kg) 54 0 14% 20% RESULTS / NOTES 1st ........................................ 2nd ........................................ 3rd ........................................ 4th ....................................... Time ..................................... Sectional Time ................................................... Margin ..................................................... 1 Nosey Neo (Blks) Barrier 5 Joshua Manzelmann (Mackay) Gabrielle Semmens (a2/54kg) 59kg 2yo chestnut gelding Sire Neorealism (JPN) Dam Meddler (Elvstroem) Breeder Burgs Pty Ltd Owners Burgs Racing (Mgr: K A Thomas) Orange, Black Lightning Bolts, Black Lightning Bolt On Sleeves, Orange Cap, Black Lightning Bolt Career Record 7 Starts 1-4-0 (wc) Career Prizemoney $47,550 1st Up 2:1-0-0 2nd Up 2:0-1-0 Track 3:1-1-0 Dist 1:1-0-0 Trk/Dist 1:1-0-0 Firm 0:0-0-0 Good 2:0-1-0 Soft 5:1-3-0 Heavy 0:0-0-0 Synth 0:0-0-0 Distance(s) Won 1200(1) Recent Form Track Jockey Wgt Br. Odds Result Marg Time @800@400 Rtg 2 of 8 MKAY Sat 14Dec24 10502Y HCP Soft 5 N M Olzard(a) 57.5 (56) 8 $6 1-Bang Stick 59 1.3L 1:01.70 1 2 0 1 of 4 TOWN Thu 13Feb25 12002Y HCP Soft 6 T M Fenlon(a) 56 2 $1.70f 2-Cascia 54 4.1L 1:11.39 1 1 0 2 of 5 MKAY Fri 21Feb25 11002Y-SW Soft 5 T M Fenlon(a) 57 1 $3.70 1-Saraqael 57 2.5L 1:04.59 1 1 0 2 Gymnosomata Barrier 1 Georgie Holt (Townsville) Kiran Quilty (a3/55.5kg) 54.5kg 2yo bay filly Sire North Pacific Dam Blue Angel (IRE) (Oratorio (IRE)) Breeder Mrs J Brown Owners Mrs G K Holt, S C Foley, K S Flanagan, C J Lindeberg, Mrs K Hunter, Mrs D R Watts, C E Watts, S C Blacka, Mrs N D Ruhland, Miss P L Corfield, S A Flanagan, D W Collinson, Mrs C E Collinson & Mutual Friends Racing (Mgr: C M Massingham) Gold, Maroon Bulls Head, Maroon Sleeves With Cerise Armbands, Maroon And Cerise Quartered Cap Career Record 2 Starts 0-0-1 Career Prizemoney $4,750 1st Up 1:0-0-0 2nd Up 1:0-0-1 Track 0:0-0-0 Dist 0:0-0-0 Trk/Dist 0:0-0-0 Firm 0:0-0-0 Good 1:0-0-0 Soft 1:0-0-1 Heavy 0:0-0-0 Synth 0:0-0-0 Recent Form Track Jockey Wgt Br. Odds Result Marg Time @800@400 Rtg 4 of 6 CRNS Tue 17Dec24 950 2Y HCP Good 4 J B Murphy 55 5 $5 1-Gold Classic 57 5.2L 55.12 5 5 0 3 of 6 MKAY Fri 3Jan25 11002Y HCP Soft 6 R Wiggins 56 (56.5) 1 $3.10 1-Bolla Bolla Babe 57 2.2L 1:06.13 3 2 0 WP 1200m
3 Louis Auguste Barrier 4 Joshua Manzelmann (Mackay) 54.5kg 2yo bay gelding Sire Under the Louvre Dam Augustagrand (USA) (Johar (USA)) Breeder Burgs Pty Ltd Owners Burgs Racing (Mgr: K A Thomas) Orange, Black Lightning Bolts, Black Lightning Bolt On Sleeves, Orange Cap, Black Lightning Bolt Career Record 3 Starts 0-0-0 Career Prizemoney $1,750 1st Up 1:0-0-0 2nd Up 1:0-0-0 Track 1:0-0-0 Dist 0:0-0-0 Trk/Dist 0:0-0-0 Firm 0:0-0-0 Good 2:0-0-0 Soft 1:0-0-0 Heavy 0:0-0-0 Synth 0:0-0-0 Recent Form Track Jockey Wgt Br. Odds Result Marg Time @800@400 Rtg 10 of 11TOWN Sat 26Oct24 10002Y MDN-SW Good 4 S E Sheargold 57 11 $31 1-Gold Classic 55 5.4L 58.83 11 10 0 6 of 8 ROCK Fri 8Nov24 1050BREEDERS 2YO Soft 5 T M Fenlon(a) 57 7 $101 1-Don’tdoubthelady 55 11L 1:01.36 6 7 0 5 of 7 MKAY Tue 26Nov24 10502Y MDN Good 3 A Sewell 57.5 2$81 1-Bang Stick 59 8.7L 1:01.88 4 5 0 4 The Kobay Train (Blks) Barrier 7 Joshua Manzelmann (Mackay) Nathan Thomas 54.5kg 2yo brown filly Sire Kobayashi Dam Beauty Train (Bullet Train (GB)) Breeder Burgs Pty Ltd Owners Burgs Racing (Mgr: K A Thomas) Orange, Black Lightning Bolts, Black Lightning Bolt On Sleeves, Orange Cap, Black Lightning Bolt FIRST START 5 Cascia Barrier 2 Georgie Holt (Nome) Justin Stanley 54kg 2yo brown or black filly Sire Prince Fawaz Dam Civita (Commands) Breeder Mr S Frohloff Owners R T Hay Navy Blue, Sky Blue Diamonds, Cerise Cap Career Record 4 Starts 0-1-0 Career Prizemoney $9,150 1st Up 2:0-1-0 2nd Up 2:0-0-0 Track 4:0-1-0 Dist 1:0-1-0 Trk/Dist 1:0-1-0 Firm 0:0-0-0 Good 3:0-0-0 Soft 1:0-1-0 Heavy 0:0-0-0 Synth 0:0-0-0 Recent Form Track Jockey Wgt Br. Odds Result Marg Time @800@400 Rtg 5 of 5 TOWN Sun 17Nov24 10002Y Good 4 S E Sheargold 56.5 5$9.50 1-Satisfied Mugs 59 8.4L 57.46 5 5 0 2 of 4 TOWN Thu 13Feb25 12002Y HCP Soft 6 N Thomas 54 1 $3.20 1-Nosey Neo 56 4.1L 1:11.39 2 2 0 5 of 11 TOWN Thu 27Feb25 10002Y MDN-SW Good 4 N Thomas 56 4 $3.90f 1-Raff Vader 58 1.1L 57.80 6 5 0 6 Fabulean Barrier 3 Jennifer Hatfield (Mackay) 54kg 2yo bay filly Sire Lean Mean Machine Dam Isn’t She Fabulous (Fusaichi Pegasus (USA)) Breeder Burgs Pty Ltd Owners Burgs Racing (Mgr: K A Thomas) Orange, Black Lightning Bolts, Black Lightning Bolt On Sleeves, Orange Cap, Black Lightning Bolt Career Record 2 Starts 0-0-0 Career Prizemoney $825 1st Up 1:0-0-0 2nd Up 1:0-0-0 Track 0:0-0-0 Dist 0:0-0-0 Trk/Dist 0:0-0-0 Firm 0:0-0-0 Good 1:0-0-0 Soft 1:0-0-0 Heavy 0:0-0-0 Synth 0:0-0-0 Recent Form Track Jockey Wgt Br. Odds Result Marg Time @800@400 Rtg FF of 7 MKAY Tue 26Nov24 10502Y MDN Good 3 J B Murphy 57 4 $26 1-Bang Stick 59 0.0L 1:01.88 0 4 of 8 MKAY Sat 14Dec24 10502Y HCP Soft 5 R M Silvera Olivera 55 2 $21 1-Bang Stick 59 7.3L 1:01.70 3 4 0 7 Royal Prophecy (Blks) Barrier 6 Georgie Holt (Nome) McKenzie Apel (a3/54kg) 54kg 2yo bay filly Sire Divine Prophet Dam Royal Angel (Haradasun) Breeder Mr E Barrett Owners Mrs G K Holt, A J Bourke, D H Bourke & Mutual Friends Racing (Mgr: C M Massingham) Navy Blue, Sky Blue Diamonds, Cerise Cap Career Record 4 Starts 0-1-1 Career Prizemoney $14,100 1st Up 2:0-0-1 2nd Up 2:0-1-0 Track 4:0-1-1 Dist 1:0-0-1 Trk/Dist 1:0-0-1 Firm 0:0-0-0 Good 3:0-1-0 Soft 1:0-0-1 Heavy 0:0-0-0 Synth 0:0-0-0 Recent Form Track Jockey Wgt Br. Odds Result Marg Time @800@400 Rtg 4 of 5 TOWN Sun 17Nov24 10002Y Good 4 L J Morrison 56.5 1 $4.20 1-Satisfied Mugs 59 6.6L 57.46 3 3 0 3 of 4 TOWN Thu 13Feb25 12002Y HCP Soft 6 A Sewell 54 (54.5) 4 $7 1-Nosey Neo 56 4.5L 1:11.39 3 3 0 2 of 11 TOWN Thu 27Feb25 10002Y MDN-SW Good 4 M E Apel(a) 56 (54) 6 $5 1-Raff Vader 58 0.4L 57.80 5 6 0
Race 2 Townsville LADBROKES RACING CLUB BENCHMARK 65 Handicap 2:07pm 1000m Of $23,000. 1st $12,800, 2nd $4,000, 3rd $2,200, 4th $1,050, 5th $750, 6th $440, 7th $440. BenchMark 65 Handicap. Apprentices can claim. Track Record: 0-54.32E Queen Assassin (28/07/2024) [Soft5] Class Record: 0-55.94E Bay Of Bengal (20/11/2022) [Good4] No. Last 10 Horse Name Br. Trainer Jockey Wgt Hcp Rtg Jockey Trainer Distance Track 1 660s56508s Amnesty 5 Stephen Massingham Ryan Wiggins 60.5 70 20% 20% • 2 s714s567s6 Toronado Rouge 7 Darryl Johnston McKenzie Apel (a3/54kg) 58.5 66 14% 17% 3 233s224321 Win And Tonic 3 Georgie Holt Kiran Quilty (a3/55.5kg) 58.5 62 4% 20% • 4 s1279s1421 Roth ‘N’ Bubble 2 Graham Hughes Jason Taylor 56 61 4% 6% • • 5 s5469046s4 Chartwell 4 Rhein Sewell Justin Stanley 55.5 56 19% 13% 6 55s16s3811 Kitema 1 Alwyn Bailey Chris Meehan 55.5 56 9% 22% • 7 s21313784s Lady Damus 6 Stephen Massingham Nathan Thomas 54.5 58 6% 20% • • RESULTS / NOTES 1st ........................................ 2nd ........................................ 3rd ........................................ 4th ....................................... Time ..................................... Sectional Time ................................................... Margin ..................................................... 1 Amnesty R70 Barrier 5 Stephen Massingham (Cairns) Ryan Wiggins 60.5kg 5yo bay mare Sire The Brothers War (USA) Dam Latina (Fusaichi Pegasus (USA)) Breeder Mr D Kendall Owners T W Hedley, T W Hedley, B J McDonald & J R McDonald Orange, Yellow H Career Record 16 Starts 4-1-0 (dw) Career Prizemoney $100,585 1st Up 4:1-0-0 2nd Up 4:1-0-0 Track 0:0-0-0 Dist 7:3-0-0 Trk/Dist 0:0-0-0 Firm 0:0-0-0 Good 8:2-1-0 Soft 5:0-0-0 Heavy 3:2-0-0 Synth 0:0-0-0 Distance(s) Won 1000(3),1100(1) Recent Form Track Jockey Wgt Br. Odds Result Marg Time @800@400 Rtg 5 of 7 CANTm Wed 3Jul24 12504Y+ BM72 Heavy 9 K McEvoy 58.5 5 $11 1-Oakfield Duke 60.5 5.0L 1:17.11 3 4 71 12 of 12CRNS Sat 17Aug24 950 BM70 Soft 5 R Wiggins 59.5 8 $4.80f 1-Single Memo 58.5 5.3L 54.09 4 7 72 8 of 12 CRNS Fri 13Sep24 1250BM70 Soft 5 R Wiggins 58.5 2 $4.80 1-Spirit Meister 57 5.2L 1:13.44 4 3 71 2 Toronado Rouge R66 Barrier 7 Darryl Johnston (Rockhampton) McKenzie Apel (a3/54kg) 58.5kg 5yo bay mare Sire Toronado (IRE) Dam Lonhruge (Lonhro) Breeder Mr P Lowe Owners Mrs S Sevior, Bluecrew24 (Mgr T Cameron), Platinum Bloodstock (Mgr D Ballard), Havina Crack (Mgr J Harris), R Robertson, M Reason, S Rogers, G Smyth, A Hibberson, L Dixon, S Ruyg, Puntants Racing (Mgr N Koch), J Allis, N Sellwood, Last Shout Racing (Mgr D Staff), R Marro & Bluecrew12 (Mgr T Cameron) Rainbow Checks, Grey Sleeves And Cap Career Record 12 Starts 3-0-0 (w) Career Prizemoney $62,385 1st Up 5:1-0-0 2nd Up 3:1-0-0 Track 0:0-0-0 Dist 0:0-0-0 Trk/Dist 0:0-0-0 Firm 0:0-0-0 Good 4:1-0-0 Soft 6:1-0-0 Heavy 2:1-0-0 Synth 0:0-0-0 Distance(s) Won 1200(1),1300(2) Recent Form Track Jockey Wgt Br. Odds Result Marg Time @800@400 Rtg 6 of 10 IPSWm Wed 1May24 1350BM68 Soft 5 B Wheeler(a) 58.5 (56.5) 4 $7.50 1-Centre Bounce 59.5 3.5L 1:19.94 2 2 69 7 of 8 SCST Sun 19May24 1400CL5 Soft 7 R L Stewart 54.5 4 $3.20f 1-Under The Cap 58.5 4.9L 1:25.85 1 1 68 6 of 7 IPSW Tue 7Jan25 1200BM68 Good 4 D Thornton 57.5 1 $3.80f 1-Never Give Up 59.5 6.6L 1:09.99 2 3 67 WP 1000m
3 Win And Tonic R62 Barrier 3 Georgie Holt (Nome) Kiran Quilty (a3/55.5kg) 58.5kg 4yo black gelding Sire Better Than Ready Dam We’s Done (Court Command) Breeder Ahern Asset Trust Owners G A Betts, K S Swindail, C C McMahon, J R Shrimpton, B Schumacher, R Winter-Cooke, E K Betts, Mrs K M Swindail, C J Betts, Miss B A Betts & Mrs H Swindail Orange, Purple Cap Career Record 20 Starts 2-5-6 (wt) Career Prizemoney $84,350 1st Up 3:0-1-0 2nd Up 3:0-1-2 Track 11:2-5-2 Dist 8:0-4-1 Trk/Dist 6:0-4-1 Firm 0:0-0-0 Good 8:1-2-4 Soft 10:1-3-2 Heavy 1:0-0-0 Synth 1:0-0-0 Distance(s) Won 1200(2) Recent Form Track Jockey Wgt Br. Odds Result Marg Time @800@400 Rtg 3 of 10 MKAY Fri 3Jan25 1200BM65 Soft 5 R Wiggins 56 (56.5) 7 $2.70f 1-Aidenabet 54.5 1.6L 1:10.73 1 2 57 2 of 10 TOWN Thu 13Feb25 1200BM62 Soft 5 A Butler 57.5 1 $3.50f 1-Ilzoomya 57.5 0.2L 1:10.49 1 1 57 1 of 8 TOWN Thu 27Feb25 1200BM65 Good 4 A Butler 56.5 6 $4 2-Ilzoomya 55 0.4L 1:09.23 1 1 58 4 Roth ‘N’ Bubble R61 Barrier 2 Graham Hughes (Stuart) Jason Taylor 56kg 4yo bay mare Sire Rothesay Dam Castles of Ann (Sequalo) Breeder Mr D McDonald Owners G R Hughes & Mrs D R Hughes Red, Yellow Striped Sleeves, Yellow Cap Career Record 11 Starts 3-3-1 (wc) Career Prizemoney $73,500 1st Up 3:2-1-0 2nd Up 3:0-1-0 Track 8:2-2-1 Dist 7:2-3-1 Trk/Dist 6:2-2-1 Firm 0:0-0-0 Good 3:2-1-0 Soft 8:1-2-1 Heavy 0:0-0-0 Synth 0:0-0-0 Distance(s) Won 1000(2),1100(1) Recent Form Track Jockey Wgt Br. Odds Result Marg Time @800@400 Rtg 4 of 8 TOWN Fri 13Dec24 1000BM65 Soft 5 A Layt 54 3 $3.10 1-Northernontap 60 0.9L 56.36 6 6 56 2 of 14 TOWN Fri 10Jan25 1000BM62 Good 4 C Whiteley 55 10 $6.50 1-Saturday Vibes 60.5 1.3L 56.34 9 11 56 1 of 7 MKAY Fri 21Feb25 1100BM60 Soft 5 J Stanley 56.5 3 $2.80f 2-Daimyo (JPN) 56 0.8L 1:04.24 7 6 57 5 Chartwell R56 Barrier 4 Rhein Sewell (Townsville) Justin Stanley 55.5kg 5yo bay gelding Sire Churchill (IRE) Dam First Look (Danehill Dancer (IRE)) Breeder Mr K J Pooley Owners Mr R C Sewell, D E Sewell, Mr R D Sewell, Mrs K E Sewell, Ms B N G Sewell White, Black Spot, Yellow Sleeves And Cap Career Record 15 Starts 1-2-1 Career Prizemoney $68,800 1st Up 5:1-1-0 2nd Up 3:0-1-1 Track 1:0-0-0 Dist 1:0-0-0 Trk/Dist 1:0-0-0 Firm 0:0-0-0 Good 6:1-2-0 Soft 6:0-0-1 Heavy 3:0-0-0 Synth 0:0-0-0 Distance(s) Won 1100(1) Recent Form Track Jockey Wgt Br. Odds Result Marg Time @800@400 Rtg 4 of 6 GOUL Thu 26Sep24 1500CL2 Heavy 8 H E Van Der Hoven 59 1 $10 1-Sizzler 58 2.3L 1:34.15 4 5 61 6 of 9 WYNG Thu 31Oct24 1630BM64 Good 3 Z Wadick(a) 56.5 (54.5) 4 $11 1-She’s Got Veuve 55.5 6.0L 1:37.66 2 2 55 4 of 8 TOWN Thu 20Feb25 1000CL3-SW Good 4 J Stanley 57 1 $7.50 1-Wicklow Lass (NZ) 58 2.1L 56.24 6 5 56 6 Kitema R56 Barrier 1 Alwyn Bailey (Cairns) Chris Meehan 55.5kg 5yo bay or brown gelding Sire Ribchester (IRE) Dam Single Melody (Not a Single Doubt) Breeder Mrs G Pickett Owners R H Bailey & A R Bailey Dark Green, Cerise Stars, Dark Green Cap With Cerise Stars Career Record 10 Starts 3-0-1 (dw) Career Prizemoney $31,940 1st Up 3:1-0-1 2nd Up 3:0-0-0 Track 0:0-0-0 Dist 2:1-0-0 Trk/Dist 0:0-0-0 Firm 0:0-0-0 Good 4:1-0-0 Soft 4:1-0-1 Heavy 2:1-0-0 Synth 0:0-0-0 Distance(s) Won 900(1),950(1),1200(1) Recent Form Track Jockey Wgt Br. Odds Result Marg Time @800@400 Rtg 8 of 10 INNI Sat 14Dec24 1200BM55 Soft 7 G D Kliese 58.5 6 $5.50 1-Herne Hill 62 7.2L 1:12.73 5 5 50 1 of 8 ATHN Sat 11Jan25 1200BM50 Good 4 W D’Avila 60.5 8 $3.60 2-Find My Calm 59.5 3.5L 1:08.76 1 1 49 1 of 9 CRNS Sat 15Feb25 950 BM55 Heavy 8 C Meehan 58.5 5 $12 2-Makanui 57 0.7L 54.61 1 1 52 7 Lady Damus R58 Barrier 6 Stephen Massingham (Cairns) Nathan Thomas 54.5kg 5yo bay or brown mare Sire Nostradamus Dam Our Lotte (Testa Rossa) Breeder Mr G Gathercole Owners Hedley Racing (Mgr: T W Hedley), T W Hedley, B J McDonald & J R McDonald Orange, Yellow H Career Record 17 Starts 3-1-4 (wc) Career Prizemoney $55,925 1st Up 3:0-1-0 2nd Up 3:1-0-1 Track 8:2-0-3 Dist 6:2-1-1 Trk/Dist 3:2-0-1 Firm 0:0-0-0 Good 3:1-0-1 Soft 13:2-1-3 Heavy 1:0-0-0 Synth 0:0-0-0 Distance(s) Won 1000(2),1250(1) Recent Form Track Jockey Wgt Br. Odds Result Marg Time @800@400 Rtg 7 of 12 TOWN Sun 28Jul24 1400F&M BM70 Soft 5 N Thomas 55 10 $8.50 1-Top Spy 62.5 4.5L 1:21.70 9 11 60 8 of 10 CRNS Sat 17Aug24 1500F&M BM70 Soft 5 N Thomas 54.5 8 $5.50 1-Vadamos Queen (NZ) 57.5 6.7L 1:29.22 7 8 59 4 of 12 CRNS Sat 24Aug24 1250BM58 Soft 7 R Wiggins 58 6 $4.40 1-Impardoo 60.5 1.2L 1:15.17 10 7 58
Race 3 Townsville LADBROKES BLACKBOOK OPEN Handicap 2:42pm 1000m Of $23,000. 1st $12,800, 2nd $4,000, 3rd $2,200, 4th $1,050, 5th $750, 6th $440. Handicap. Apprentices can claim. Track & Class Record: 0-54.32E Queen Assassin (28/07/2024) [Soft5] No. Last 10 Horse Name Br. Trainer Jockey Wgt Hcp Rtg Jockey Trainer Distance Track 1 17106050s4 Go Getaboy 6 Steven Royes Ryan Wiggins 60.5 82 20% 12% • • 2 26s5881436 King Jester 2 Lachie Manzelmann Adam Sewell 55.5 76 7% 8% • • 3 65321639s3 Family Star 5 Graham Hughes Justin Stanley 54.5 75 19% 6% • • 4 1112862s82 Crowning Moment 3 Fred Wieland Amanda Thomson 54 72 14% 12% • • 5 3s5263652s Tycoon Beau 1 Stephen Massingham Nathan Thomas 54 70 6% 20% 6 9355s68245 Under The Limit 4 Tom Button Chris Meehan 54 67 9% 24% • RESULTS / NOTES 1st ........................................ 2nd ........................................ 3rd ........................................ 4th ....................................... Time ..................................... Sectional Time ................................................... Margin ..................................................... 1 Go Getaboy (Blks) R82 Barrier 6 Steven Royes (Townsville) Ryan Wiggins 60.5kg 5yo bay gelding Sire Stratum Star Dam Ladygetagirl (Sebring) Breeder Mr B Winten Owners Hedley Racing (Mgr: T W Hedley), T W Hedley, B J McDonald & J R McDonald Orange, Yellow “H” And Cap Career Record 39 Starts 12-5-6 (dwtc) Career Prizemoney $282,125 1st Up 5:0-1-1 2nd Up 4:1-1-2 Track 22:4-5-2 Dist 12:3-4-1 Trk/Dist 8:1-4-1 Firm 0:0-0-0 Good 18:5-4-2 Soft 18:6-1-4 Heavy 3:1-0-0 Synth 0:0-0-0 Distance(s) Won 950(2),1000(1),1200(3),1250(4),1300(1),1400(1) Recent Form Track Jockey Wgt Br. Odds Result Marg Time @800@400 Rtg 5 of 13 CRNS Sat 17Aug24 1400NEWMARKET Qlty Soft 5 T H Leslight(a) 55 10 $31 1-Montenegro Man 57 2.5L 1:23.03 8 6 84 10 of 13CRNS Sat 14Sep24 1400Qlty Soft 5 T H Leslight(a) 54.5 2$19 1-Prime Ruler 54 5.6L 1:22.56 2 1 83 4 of 7 CRNS Sat 15Feb25 950 HCP Heavy 8 T H Leslight(a) 60 5 $12 1-Bold Type 62 5.3L 54.26 1 2 82 2 King Jester R76 Barrier 2 Lachie Manzelmann (Mackay) Adam Sewell 55.5kg 6yo bay gelding Sire Hallowed Crown Dam Ailish (Danehill Dancer (IRE)) Breeder Mr N C Stewart Owners L Seymour Black, White LC4 Logo, Chevron Sleeves, White Cap Career Record 37 Starts 10-3-5 (dwc) Career Prizemoney $184,275 1st Up 6:1-0-2 2nd Up 6:1-1-0 Track 14:2-1-1 Dist 15:5-3-2 Trk/Dist 7:2-1-1 Firm 0:0-0-0 Good 17:5-0-4 Soft 16:4-2-0 Heavy 4:1-1-1 Synth 0:0-0-0 Distance(s) Won 950(4),1000(2),1100(1),1250(3) Recent Form Track Jockey Wgt Br. Odds Result Marg Time @800@400 Rtg 4 of 7 TOWN Fri 10Jan25 1000HCP Good 4 J B Murphy 56 4 $14 1-Bold Type 61 1.1L 56.21 5 5 77 3 of 5 ROCK Thu 30Jan25 1100HCP Good 4 J B Murphy 55.5 3 $14 1-Hellish 55 5.2L 1:02.44 3 4 77 6 of 6 TOWN Thu 13Feb25 1200HCP Soft 5 A Butler 56 (57) 5 $8.50 1-Stick To Your Guns 54 6.0L 1:10.52 6 5 77 3 Family Star R75 Barrier 5 Graham Hughes (Cluden) Justin Stanley 54.5kg 8yo bay gelding Sire Bel Esprit Dam Family Freeze (Freeze) Breeder Wicklow Lodge Owners G R Hughes, Mrs D R Hughes, R J Nash & Mrs S P Nash Red, Yellow Striped Sleeves, Yellow Cap Career Record 41 Starts 8-6-7 (wtc) Career Prizemoney $161,500 1st Up 7:0-2-3 2nd Up 5:1-0-1 Track 31:8-5-5 Dist 14:2-3-4 Trk/Dist 11:2-3-4 Firm 0:0-0-0 Good 32:5-6-4 Soft 8:3-0-3 Heavy 1:0-0-0 Synth 0:0-0-0 Distance(s) Won 1000(2),1200(5),1300(1) Recent Form Track Jockey Wgt Br. Odds Result Marg Time @800@400 Rtg 3 of 6 TOWN Thu 4Apr24 1200HCP Soft 5 A Sewell 55.5 2 $21 1-Hurtle 57 2.5L 1:08.49 4 4 75 9 of 9 TOWN Tue 7May24 1000HCP Soft 5 I K Teh 54.5 (52.5) 4 $9 1-More The Merrier 54 5.7L 55.61 9 8 75 3 of 5 TOWN Thu 27Feb25 1000BM75 Good 4 A Butler 59.5 4 $21 1-Roweiner’s Dance 60.5 1.3L 56.05 5 5 75 WP 1000m
4 Crowning Moment (Blks) R72 Barrier 3 Fred Wieland (Cairns) Amanda Thomson 54kg 5yo chestnut gelding Sire Pariah Dam Kenzie (Sebring) Breeder Mr R Burns Owners Hedley Racing (Mgr: T W Hedley), J R McDonald, B J McDonald & T W Hedley Orange, Yellow “H” And Cap Career Record 38 Starts 7-9-4 (wtc) Career Prizemoney $132,470 1st Up 5:1-1-0 2nd Up 5:0-1-2 Track 18:4-4-3 Dist 15:1-5-1 Trk/Dist 9:1-3-1 Firm 0:0-0-0 Good 20:2-6-4 Soft 12:4-2-0 Heavy 6:1-1-0 Synth 0:0-0-0 Distance(s) Won 1000(1),1200(2),1250(3),1300(1) Recent Form Track Jockey Wgt Br. Odds Result Marg Time @800@400 Rtg 2 of 8 ATHN Sat 28Sep24 1200HCP Good 4 L J Morrison 55 4 $3.60 1-Call Me Mo 55 0.0L 1:08.49 4 4 73 8 of 8 CRNS Sat 15Feb25 1250BM75 Heavy 8 A Thomson 58 7 $6.50 1-Inching Closer 60.5 9.9L 1:14.50 3 4 73 2 of 5 TOWN Thu 27Feb25 1000BM75 Good 4 S N Cormack 57.5 3 $14 1-Roweiner’s Dance 60.5 1.2L 56.05 4 3 72 5 Tycoon Beau R70 Barrier 1 Stephen Massingham (Cairns) Nathan Thomas 54kg 7yo chestnut gelding Sire Written Tycoon Dam Cupid (Fastnet Rock) Breeder Seymour Bloodstock Owners Hedley Racing (Mgr: T W Hedley), T W Hedley, B J McDonald & J R McDonald Orange, Yellow H Career Record 27 Starts 5-7-2 (w) Career Prizemoney $125,595 1st Up 5:1-1-0 2nd Up 5:0-1-0 Track 3:0-3-0 Dist 3:0-0-0 Trk/Dist 0:0-0-0 Firm 0:0-0-0 Good 12:2-4-1 Soft 12:1-3-1 Heavy 1:0-0-0 Synth 2:2-0-0 Distance(s) Won 1200(1),1250(1),1300(2),1500(1) Recent Form Track Jockey Wgt Br. Odds Result Marg Time @800@400 Rtg 6 of 11 CRNS Sat 24Aug24 1250CL6-SW Soft 7 M Abe 58.5 9 $9.50 1-Stats 58.5 5.1L 1:14.73 6 9 70 5 of 12 CRNS Fri 13Sep24 1250BM70 Soft 5 M Abe 59.5 8 $9 1-Spirit Meister 57 1.8L 1:13.44 11 10 70 2 of 8 TOWN Sun 6Oct24 1200CL6-SW Good 4 R Wiggins 58.5 3 $3 1-Overlord 57 0.2L 1:10.62 3 3 70 6 Under The Limit (Blks) R67 Barrier 4 Tom Button (Bowen) Chris Meehan 54kg 5yo bay gelding Sire Under the Louvre Dam Dangerous Behavior (Dream Ahead (USA)) Breeder Grandview Stud Pty Ltd Owners M A McLean, Ms S R McGowan, Obes Nobodies (Mgr: G J O’Brien) & Wessel Thoroughbreds (Mgr: C J Wessel) White, Royal Blue Stars, Royal Blue And White Stars Sleeves And Cap Career Record 27 Starts 4-5-5 (wt) Career Prizemoney $141,275 1st Up 5:1-1-0 2nd Up 5:0-0-1 Track 5:1-2-0 Dist 0:0-0-0 Trk/Dist 0:0-0-0 Firm 0:0-0-0 Good 17:1-5-3 Soft 9:3-0-1 Heavy 1:0-0-1 Synth 0:0-0-0 Distance(s) Won 1200(1),1300(1),1400(2) Recent Form Track Jockey Wgt Br. Odds Result Marg Time @800@400 Rtg 2 of 9 BOWN Fri 24Jan25 1200CL6 Good 4 N A Day 60 3 $2.60f 1-No Love Lost 55 0.2L 1:09.20 1 1 67 4 of 6 TOWN Thu 13Feb25 1200HCP Soft 5 J Stanley 54 (55) 6 $2.15f 1-Stick To Your Guns 54 1.0L 1:10.52 1 1 68 5 of 7 MKAY Fri 21Feb25 1300BM65 Soft 5 P Hamblin 61.5 1 $6 1-Fortress Australia 58 4.5L 1:16.72 2 2 68
Race 4 Townsville LADBROKES PUNTER ASSIST BENCHMARK 72 Handicap 3:17pm 1609m Of $23,000. 1st $12,800, 2nd $4,000, 3rd $2,200, 4th $1,050, 5th $750, 6th $440. BenchMark 72 Handicap. Apprentices can claim. Track Record: 1-34.61E Beau Rain (28/07/2024) [Soft5] Class Record: NPR-E First running under these conditions & distance No. Last 10 Horse Name Br. Trainer Jockey Wgt Hcp Rtg Jockey Trainer Distance Track 1 28140s6615 Castile 3 Matthew McGuire Ryan Wiggins 61 73 20% 14% • • 2 52400684s4 Olympic Korchnoi (BRZ) 4 Trevor & Peter Rowe Chris Meehan 59.5 72 9% 9% • • 3 48s564s434 Early Thoughts 5 Julie Russell Nathan Thomas 59 71 6% 0% 4 484s525650 Mystery ‘N’ Magic 6 Roy Chillemi Gabrielle Semmens (a2/54kg) 59 71 17% 17% • • 5 486221311L Strathcona 2 Megan Purvis Jason Taylor 59 71 4% 13% • • 6 900s498221 Finsceal 1 Tom Button Justin Stanley 55.5 64 18% 24% • • RESULTS / NOTES 1st ........................................ 2nd ........................................ 3rd ........................................ 4th ....................................... Time ..................................... Sectional Time ................................................... Margin ..................................................... 1 Castile R73 Barrier 3 Matthew McGuire (Townsville) Ryan Wiggins 61kg 6yo brown gelding Sire Lonhro Dam Banuelo (Street Cry (IRE)) Breeder Yulong Investments Limerick Lane Owners Mrs M V McGuire, Mrs K D Grieve, A M Powell, M J Irwin, D A Halpin, C J Halpin, J Nosworthy, Mrs S L Veal, J Freeman, H J Schroeder, Ms N M O’Keeffe, I J White, H Foord, R Cussen, Mrs R Moore, S Nosworthy, D Abbott & Don’t Tell Our Wifes Racing (Mgr: T F Hunter) Pink, White Horseshoe, Quartered Cap Career Record 40 Starts 6-6-6 (wtc) Career Prizemoney $145,350 1st Up 6:2-1-2 2nd Up 6:1-0-0 Track 23:4-4-3 Dist 9:3-2-1 Trk/Dist 8:3-2-1 Firm 0:0-0-0 Good 25:3-4-4 Soft 14:3-2-2 Heavy 1:0-0-0 Synth 0:0-0-0 Distance(s) Won 1100(1),1200(2),1600(3) Recent Form Track Jockey Wgt Br. Odds Result Marg Time @800@400 Rtg 6 of 7 CRNS Tue 17Dec24 1400BM75 Good 4 C Jokic 57.5 6 $21 1-Lidder Valley 58 4.5L 1:22.57 7 7 72 1 of 8 TOWN Sat 18Jan25 1609CL6 Good 3 C Jokic 58.5 6 $21 2-Joe’s Giggle 54 1.1L 1:35.79 7 6 71 5 of 11 TOWN Thu 27Feb25 1300HCP Good 4 O L Kendal(a) 54 (52) 1 $10 1-Bold Type 63.5 2.9L 1:17.03 9 6 73 2 Olympic Korchnoi (BRZ) R72 Barrier 4 Trevor & Peter Rowe (Cairns) Chris Meehan 59.5kg 7yo brown or black gelding Sire Agnes Gold (JPN) Dam Lady of War (USA) (War Chant (USA)) Breeder Haras Regina Owners P J Rowe, Mrs H M Rowe, A C Faulkner & C A A Little White, Red Lightning Bolt, White Sleeves, Red Armbands, White Cap, Red Lightning Bolt Career Record 37 Starts 4-6-6 (wc) Career Prizemoney $96,156 1st Up 7:0-1-1 2nd Up 4:0-0-2 Track 8:1-1-0 Dist 6:1-1-1 Trk/Dist 5:1-1-0 Firm 0:0-0-0 Good 19:3-2-3 Soft 12:1-3-1 Heavy 6:0-1-2 Synth 0:0-0-0 Distance(s) Won 1600(1),1800(1),1850(1),2000(1) Recent Form Track Jockey Wgt Br. Odds Result Marg Time @800@400 Rtg 8 of 8 GORD Sat 5Oct24 1800HCP Good 4 R S Wilson 57 3 $10 1-Choir Boy 56 6.1L 1:49.00 7 8 73 4 of 6 INNI Sat 19Oct24 2000HCP Good 3 L J Morrison 58 1 $10 1-Fifth Position (IRE) 60.5 1.5L 2:04.24 3 3 72 4 of 8 CRNS Sat 15Feb25 1250BM75 Heavy 8 R P Downey 57 4 $26 1-Inching Closer 60.5 3.1L 1:14.50 7 6 72 WP 1609m
3 Early Thoughts (Blks) R71 Barrier 5 Julie Russell (Charters Towers) Nathan Thomas 59kg 6yo bay gelding Sire Vancouver Dam Milande (Dehere (USA)) Breeder River Junction Owners Mrs J A Russell, J G Russell & W A Russell Purple, Green Sleeves, Sash And Cap Career Record 34 Starts 6-4-5 Career Prizemoney $151,315 1st Up 6:0-1-0 2nd Up 6:0-1-1 Track 2:0-0-1 Dist 3:0-0-1 Trk/Dist 0:0-0-0 Firm 0:0-0-0 Good 19:5-1-5 Soft 10:0-1-0 Heavy 1:0-1-0 Synth 4:1-1-0 Distance(s) Won 1400(1),1800(4),1900(1) Recent Form Track Jockey Wgt Br. Odds Result Marg Time @800@400 Rtg 4 of 7 CRNS Sat 28Dec24 1250MM CC Open HCP Good 4 P G Romeo 54 1 $71 1-Fodor 54 5.1L 1:11.79 7 7 71 3 of 11 TOWN Fri 10Jan25 1400BM70 Good 4 O R O’Donnell(a) 60.5 (57.5) 7 $26 1-Brasco 58 0.6L 1:21.91 5 5 71 4 of 7 TOWN Thu 13Feb25 1400BM72 Soft 5 N Thomas 59 6 $11 1-Sweet Kisses 57 3.0L 1:22.07 3 2 71 4 Mystery ‘N’ Magic (Blks) R71 Barrier 6 Roy Chillemi (Tolga) Gabrielle Semmens (a2/54kg) 59kg 7yo bay gelding Sire Rothesay Dam Faith ‘n’ Vision (Escalation (IRE)) Breeder Mrs C M Chillemi Owners Mrs C M Chillemi, J J Hart & O Chillemi Light Blue, Pink Sash And Cap Career Record 62 Starts 10-10-8 (wtc) Career Prizemoney $202,863 1st Up 8:1-1-1 2nd Up 7:2-3-1 Track 40:5-5-6 Dist 9:1-1-1 Trk/Dist 9:1-1-1 Firm 0:0-0-0 Good 37:5-3-6 Soft 21:5-6-1 Heavy 4:0-1-1 Synth 0:0-0-0 Distance(s) Won 1000(1),1200(1),1300(1),1400(3),1500(3),1600(1) Recent Form Track Jockey Wgt Br. Odds Result Marg Time @800@400 Rtg 6 of 7 TOWN Sat 18Jan25 1300HCP Good 4 T H Leslight(a) 54 (51) 6 $14 1-Inching Closer 54.5 2.9L 1:16.61 7 7 73 5 of 8 CRNS Sat 15Feb25 1250BM75 Heavy 8 T H Leslight(a) 58 1 $14 1-Inching Closer 60.5 3.3L 1:14.50 8 8 73 10 of 11TOWN Thu 27Feb25 1300HCP Good 4 T H Leslight(a) 54 4 $26 1-Bold Type 63.5 8.0L 1:17.03 11 11 72 5 Strathcona (Blks) R71 Barrier 2 Megan Purvis (Townsville) Jason Taylor 59kg 6yo brown gelding Sire Vancouver Dam Dirty (Hussonet (USA)) Breeder Mr G J Perry Owners Miss M L Purvis Turquoise, Red Checked Diamonds, White Sleeves And Cap Career Record 46 Starts 7-8-4 (wtc) Career Prizemoney $133,185 1st Up 3:0-2-0 2nd Up 3:1-0-0 Track 28:3-5-3 Dist 1:1-0-0 Trk/Dist 1:1-0-0 Firm 0:0-0-0 Good 25:4-6-2 Soft 20:3-2-2 Heavy 1:0-0-0 Synth 0:0-0-0 Distance(s) Won 1000(2),1200(1),1300(1),1400(1),1500(1),1600(1) Recent Form Track Jockey Wgt Br. Odds Result Marg Time @800@400 Rtg 1 of 6 TOWN Thu 28Nov24 16090 - 58 Good 4 J B Murphy 60 2 $2.20f 2-Barmera 59 3.6L 1:36.78 3 2 58 1 of 6 CRNS Sat 28Dec24 1500HCP Good 4 J B Murphy 54 3 $3.90 2-Inching Closer 55 1.4L 1:27.68 2 4 62 LR of 7 TOWN Thu 13Feb25 1400BM72 Soft 5 R Wiggins 59 1 $3.20 1-Sweet Kisses 57 0.0L 1:22.07 71 6 Finsceal (Blks) R64 Barrier 1 Tom Button (Bowen) Justin Stanley 55.5kg 6yo chestnut gelding Sire Territories (IRE) Dam Rosalita (Danehill Dancer (IRE)) Breeder Mr N C Stewart Owners T C Button & A L Grimshaw Sky Blue, White Diamond Sash, Maroon Sleeves, Sky Blue Cap With Maroon Star Career Record 36 Starts 4-6-6 (wc) Career Prizemoney $145,760 1st Up 6:1-0-2 2nd Up 6:1-0-0 Track 8:1-2-0 Dist 10:1-1-2 Trk/Dist 2:1-1-0 Firm 0:0-0-0 Good 28:3-4-4 Soft 6:1-2-2 Heavy 1:0-0-0 Synth 1:0-0-0 Distance(s) Won 1200(1),1400(2),1600(1) Recent Form Track Jockey Wgt Br. Odds Result Marg Time @800@400 Rtg 2 of 7 BOWN Fri 24Jan25 1810CL3 Good 4 N A Day 57 1 $5.50 1-Release Le Missile 60 0.8L 1:49.98 1 1 58 2 of 7 TOWN Thu 13Feb25 1400BM72 Soft 5 T M Fenlon(a) 54 5 $11 1-Sweet Kisses 57 0.2L 1:22.07 5 4 58 1 of 8 TOWN Thu 27Feb25 1609BM60 Good 4 R Wiggins 60 3 $3.50 2-Joe’s Giggle 60 1.2L 1:37.14 5 5 60
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Race 5 Townsville HYGAIN QTIS Three-Year-Old Maiden Plate 3:57pm 1000m Of $25,000. 1st $14,000, 2nd $4,200, 3rd $2,400, 4th $1,100, 5th $800, 6th $500, 7th $500, 8th $500. QTIS 3YO $12000 Bonuses: First $8500, Second $2300, Third $1200, to qualified horses. QTIS 3YO Fillies $6,000 (1st $4,250, 2nd $1,150, 3rd $600). For Three-Years-Old. Maiden Set Weights. Apprentices can claim. Track Record: 0-54.32E Queen Assassin (28/07/2024) [Soft5] Class Record: 0-56.77E Mimmy’s Secret (13/12/2024) [Soft5] No. Last 10 Horse Name Br. Trainer Jockey Wgt Hcp Rtg Jockey Trainer Distance Track 1 59s Brave Eddy 7 Roy Chillemi Tyler Leslight (a3/54kg) 58 0 10% 17% 2 6s Chargin’ 3 Patrick McGuire Wanderson D’Avila 58 0 13% 16% 3 725s6634 Ignazio 4 Bill Kenning Justin Stanley 58 0 19% 21% 4 0 Outbid 8 Graham Hughes Chris Meehan 58 0 9% 6% 5 2534 Miss Comaneci 5 Lachie Manzelmann Adam Sewell 56 0 7% 8% 6 07s53 Mysterious Bay 6 Peter Cullen Graham Kliese 56 0 8% 8% 7 99s706 Seabee 1 Darby Amos Gabrielle Semmens (a2/54kg) 56 0 17% 10% 8 8s079 Sheez Brutaful 2 Liliana McCormack Jason Taylor 56 0 4% 2% RESULTS / NOTES 1st ........................................ 2nd ........................................ 3rd ........................................ 4th ....................................... Time ..................................... Sectional Time ................................................... Margin ..................................................... 1 Brave Eddy Barrier 7 Roy Chillemi (Tolga) Tyler Leslight (a3/54kg) 58kg 3yo bay or brown gelding Sire Brave Smash (JPN) Dam Adamant Lass (Not a Single Doubt) Breeder Mr A Aceti Owners Hedley Racing (Mgr: T W Hedley) & A Aceti Orange, Yellow H Career Record 2 Starts 0-0-0 Career Prizemoney $500 1st Up 1:0-0-0 2nd Up 1:0-0-0 Track 0:0-0-0 Dist 1:0-0-0 Trk/Dist 0:0-0-0 Firm 0:0-0-0 Good 0:0-0-0 Soft 1:0-0-0 Heavy 1:0-0-0 Synth 0:0-0-0 Recent Form Track Jockey Wgt Br. Odds Result Marg Time @800@400 Rtg 5 of 8 INNI Sat 10Aug24 900 MDN-SW Heavy 9 T H Leslight(a) 57 (55.5) 2 $3.50 1-Nic’s Dream 57.5 1.7L 54.88 2 1 0 9 of 10 CRNS Fri 13Sep24 950 3Y MDN Soft 5 T H Leslight(a) 59 7 $31 1-Miss Rambler 58 9.4L 54.98 9 8 0 2 Chargin’ (Blks) Barrier 3 Patrick McGuire (Townsville) Wanderson D’Avila 58kg 3yo bay gelding Sire Charge Forward Dam Willyama (Al Maher) Breeder Mr G K Harris Owners Mrs M V McGuire, P T A McGuire, M H McGuire & Miss P M McGuire Red, Pink Sleeves And Cap Career Record 1 Starts 0-0-0 Career Prizemoney $600 1st Up 1:0-0-0 Track 0:0-0-0 Dist 1:0-0-0 Trk/Dist 0:0-0-0 Firm 0:0-0-0 Good 0:0-0-0 Soft 1:0-0-0 Heavy 0:0-0-0 Synth 0:0-0-0 Recent Form Track Jockey Wgt Br. Odds Result Marg Time @800@400 Rtg 6 of 8 BLNA Mon 4Nov24 1010MDN Soft 5 K Matheson 57.5 1 $10 1-Discotheque 56.5 7.9L 58.89 3 2 0 3 Ignazio (Blks) Barrier 4 Bill Kenning (Townsville) Justin Stanley 58kg 3yo bay gelding Sire Toronado (IRE) Dam Biagiotti (Choisir) Breeder Etak Thoroughbreds Pty Ltd Owners S P Clauson, Ms N L Clauson, Miss H L Clauson & Miss M P Clauson White, Maroon Stripe, Diagonal Halved Sleeves, Maroon Pom Pom Career Record 7 Starts 0-1-1 Career Prizemoney $16,175 1st Up 2:0-0-0 2nd Up 2:0-1-0 Track 0:0-0-0 Dist 1:0-0-0 Trk/Dist 0:0-0-0 Firm 0:0-0-0 Good 4:0-1-1 Soft 1:0-0-0 Heavy 2:0-0-0 Synth 0:0-0-0 Recent Form Track Jockey Wgt Br. Odds Result Marg Time @800@400 Rtg 6 of 9 Y VL Sat 30Nov24 1209MDN-SW Heavy 10K Jennings 58 2 $2.80 1-Pride Of Lanka 58 5.1L 1:14.87 3 4 0 3 of 10 S CK Sat 4Jan25 1100MDN-SW Good 4 K Jennings 58 4 $7.50 1-Justin Timberprawn 55.5 1.2L 1:06.23 1 1 0 4 of 5 MORN Sun 19Jan25 10003Y MDN-SW Good 4 D W Stackhouse 58 4 $21 1-Mrs Archibald 54 2.3L 59.04 3 3 0 WP 1000m
4 Outbid Barrier 8 Graham Hughes (Townsville) Chris Meehan 58kg 3yo bay or brown gelding Sire Jungle Cat (IRE) Dam Lucky Connection (Dane Shadow) Breeder Bahrinna Thoroughbred Services Pty Ltd Owners G R Hughes, Mrs D R Hughes, R J Nash & Mrs S P Nash Red, Yellow Striped Sleeves And Cap Career Record 1 Starts 0-0-0 Career Prizemoney $400 1st Up 1:0-0-0 Track 1:0-0-0 Dist 1:0-0-0 Trk/Dist 1:0-0-0 Firm 0:0-0-0 Good 1:0-0-0 Soft 0:0-0-0 Heavy 0:0-0-0 Synth 0:0-0-0 Recent Form Track Jockey Wgt Br. Odds Result Marg Time @800@400 Rtg 10 of 10TOWN Sat 18Jan25 10003Y HCP Good 3 R G Thorburn(a) 54 (52) 9 $31 1-Mimmy’s Secret 54.5 15L 56.08 6 7 49 5 Miss Comaneci (Blks) Barrier 5 Lachie Manzelmann (Mackay) Adam Sewell 56kg 3yo bay filly Sire Russian Revolution Dam Tiarazou (Zizou) Breeder Ramsey Pastoral Pty Ltd Owners L S Manzelmann, Miss B L James & Mrs H Armstrong White, Light Blue Jewel And Epaulettes, Halved Sleeves, Royal Blue Armbands, Quartered Cap Career Record 4 Starts 0-1-1 Career Prizemoney $8,000 1st Up 1:0-1-0 2nd Up 1:0-0-0 Track 2:0-1-1 Dist 3:0-1-1 Trk/Dist 2:0-1-1 Firm 0:0-0-0 Good 2:0-1-0 Soft 2:0-0-1 Heavy 0:0-0-0 Synth 0:0-0-0 Recent Form Track Jockey Wgt Br. Odds Result Marg Time @800@400 Rtg 5 of 9 BOWN Fri 24Jan25 12003Y MDN Good 4 A Sewell 59 2 $7.50 1-Thormendous Miss 59 7.3L 1:09.47 5 5 0 3 of 6 TOWN Thu 13Feb25 1000MDN Soft 6 A Sewell 59 2 $6 1-Prideofthebigfish 59.5 0.7L 58.03 4 3 0 4 of 11 MKAY Fri 21Feb25 1050MDN-SW Soft 5 A Sewell 55.5 10 $15 1-Crimson Decipher 55.5 3.7L 1:01.03 10 9 0 6 Mysterious Bay Barrier 6 Peter Cullen (Wulguru) Graham Kliese 56kg 3yo bay filly Sire Press Statement Dam Mimesis (NZ) (Makfi (GB)) Breeder Vinery Stud (Australia) Pty Ltd Owners B W J Giddy Cerise, Gold L And Horseshoe, Quartered Cap Career Record 4 Starts 0-0-1 Career Prizemoney $2,850 1st Up 2:0-0-0 2nd Up 2:0-0-1 Track 3:0-0-1 Dist 3:0-0-0 Trk/Dist 2:0-0-0 Firm 0:0-0-0 Good 2:0-0-1 Soft 2:0-0-0 Heavy 0:0-0-0 Synth 0:0-0-0 Recent Form Track Jockey Wgt Br. Odds Result Marg Time @800@400 Rtg 7 of 9 BOWN Sat 17Aug24 1000MDN-SW Soft 5 P G Romeo 55 9 $15 1-Spec Of Silver 57.5 8.9L 57.91 6 7 0 5 of 10 TOWN Sat 18Jan25 10003Y HCP Good 3 A Layt 54 7 $151 1-Mimmy’s Secret 54.5 6.3L 56.08 8 5 45 3 of 9 TOWN Thu 27Feb25 12003Y MDN-SW Good 4 J Stanley 56 6 $13 1-Tsunami 58 5.6L 1:09.60 2 3 0 7 Seabee Barrier 1 Darby Amos (Home Hill) Gabrielle Semmens (a2/54kg) 56kg 3yo chestnut filly Sire Territories (IRE) Dam Laussel (Animal Kingdom (USA)) Breeder Mr N C Stewart Owners Mrs J C Barbagallo Orange, Five White Diamonds, Green Sleeves, White Cap Career Record 5 Starts 0-0-0 Career Prizemoney $2,800 1st Up 2:0-0-0 2nd Up 2:0-0-0 Track 0:0-0-0 Dist 0:0-0-0 Trk/Dist 0:0-0-0 Firm 0:0-0-0 Good 2:0-0-0 Soft 2:0-0-0 Heavy 1:0-0-0 Synth 0:0-0-0 Recent Form Track Jockey Wgt Br. Odds Result Marg Time @800@400 Rtg 7 of 12 IPSW Wed 18Dec24 1100MDN Heavy 8 J L Bayliss 55 6 $91 1-Autumngirl 55 3.5L 1:06.06 10 9 0 10 of 12SCST Sun 29Dec24 12003YF MDN-SW Good 4 D Thornton 58 6 $21 1-Red Feather Boa 58 6.9L 1:12.78 7 8 0 6 of 13 SCST Fri 17Jan25 1400MDN Good 4 S T Collett 54 10 $101 1-Kilna (NZ) 57 6.2L 1:24.39 6 6 0 8 Sheez Brutaful (Blks) Barrier 2 Liliana McCormack (Townsville) Jason Taylor 56kg 3yo bay filly Sire Brutal (NZ) Dam Buenismo (Snitzel) Breeder Mrs K Bond Owners P D Gray & Mrs P M Gray Red, Black Band, Red Sleeves And Cap Career Record 4 Starts 0-0-0 Career Prizemoney $1,440 1st Up 2:0-0-0 2nd Up 1:0-0-0 Track 1:0-0-0 Dist 0:0-0-0 Trk/Dist 0:0-0-0 Firm 0:0-0-0 Good 2:0-0-0 Soft 2:0-0-0 Heavy 0:0-0-0 Synth 0:0-0-0 Recent Form Track Jockey Wgt Br. Odds Result Marg Time @800@400 Rtg 11 of 11IPSW Sun 26Jan25 1350MDN Soft 5 J W McMurray(a) 55.5 (53.5) 4 $61 1-All About Artie 60 13L 1:20.93 1 3 0 7 of 8 BDST Thu 6Feb25 1100MDN Good 4 J L Taylor 55.5 8 $101 1-Miss Personality 58 15L 1:02.57 6 6 0 9 of 9 TOWN Thu 27Feb25 12003Y MDN-SW Good 4 J L Taylor 56 4 $101 1-Tsunami 58 14L 1:09.60 4 4 0