Ladbrokes Friday Night Lights

1 CHAIRMAN’S WELCOME Tonight is one of the highlights of The Valley’s racing calendar and we are proud to present Lunar New Year powered by Alinta Energy to celebrate the Year of the Rat. The Moonee Valley Racing Club is delighted to work in conjunction with the Australian Chinese Jockey Club (ACJC) in this our fifth year together to deliver a cultural feast in our vibrant city of Melbourne. It is also a pleasure to partner again with Alinta Energy, the fastest growing energy retailer in Australia, and we thank them for their support this evening. The main stage will be a hive of activity with traditional Chinese performances as well as children’s entertainment and the Asian-inspired cuisine will be plentiful. An annual highlight is Jamie Pi’s race call in Mandarin which will be heard on-course tonight in the Lunar New Year Cup, while all the ‘Lucky 8’ numbered horses will have specially designed saddlecloths. Thank you to each of you who have visited The Valley tonight and I trust you embrace this marvellous celebration to welcome in the Year of the Rat. Happy New Year - 新年快乐 Don Casboult Chairman 主席致詞: 今晚是滿利谷焦點賽事日之一,我們很榮幸能再次呈獻由獨家合作夥伴Alinta Energy贊 助的農曆新年夜間賽馬來跟大家慶祝鼠年。 Moonee Valley 滿利谷賽馬會很慶幸與澳洲華人賽馬會(ACJC)第五年攜手合作,在 充滿活力的墨爾本市內打造出一場獨一無二的文化盛宴。我們亦非常有幸能與澳洲發展 最迅速的電力供應商Alinta Energy合作,在此我衷心感謝他們對今天晚上的支持。 主舞台將充滿了豐富緊湊的表演節目,除了精彩絕倫的傳統中國表演和兒童娛樂活動 外,場內亦設有許多亞洲美食讓入場來賓大快朵頤。 一如既往,今晚賽事亮點是由賽馬評述員皮家明(Jamie Pi)用普通話為農曆新年盃賽 事評述,而今天晚上所有“8” 號馬匹都將會披上特別為農曆新年設計的馬鞍布,為大家 添上好意頭。 我衷心感謝今天到訪滿利谷的每一位來賓,亦希望你們今晚在滿利谷享受這個令人難忘 的賀歲慶典以迎接鼠年。 Happy New Year - 新年快樂