Sunshine Coast

4 STEWARDS SUMMARY Race 1 Trading Stock 12/09/2020 Aquis Park Gold Coast Questioned in to its performance, rider stated failed to respond to his riding when placed under pressure however it would take benefit from today’s run. Gold Chorus 20/09/2020 Sunshine Coast From a wide barrier was restrained shortly after the start to obtain a position closer to the rail. South Santo 20/09/2020 Sunshine Coast Fractious in the enclosure. Began awkwardly, then commenced to over-race for a short distance before progressing forward and obtaining the lead near the 1000 metres. Raved greenly in home straight. Front Page News 05/09/2020 Toowoomba In the presence of trainer Mr K Kemp,App MWishart was questioned regarding tactics adopted in the early and middle stages of the event when racing to the outside ofTYCOON MCKINNEY. She stated as instructed she rode the gelding in a forward position as per its usual racing pattern and near the 1200 metres attempted to restrain her mount however as FRONT PAGE NEWS was racing keenly was unable to do so.App Wishart further stated she was opinion the tempo of the race was not overly strong and bearing in mind instructions from trainer Mr Kemp that the gelding is one paced she increased the tem Captain Riddle 11/09/2020 Sunshine Coast Bumped at the start. Raced wide without cover throughout. Who Said So 13/09/2020 Sunshine Coast Commenced to overrace passing the 1600m and had to be restrained from the heels of WILLY BE LUCKY. Crypto Fiorelli 10/09/2020 Ipswich Slow to begin and shortly after was tightened for room between runners. Over raced in the early stages. Mulroney 06/09/2020 Sunshine Coast Apprentice dropped his whip at the 100m Race 2 Corsini 19/09/2020 Aquis Park Gold Coast Shifted wider near the 1300m to improve. Quotant 20/09/2020 Sunshine Coast When the pace steadied near the 1100 metres commenced to over-race and as a result was shifted three wide on the track. Raced three wide without cover for remainder of the event. Scilago 20/09/2020 Sunshine Coast Held up for clear running in early stages of the home straight. Powers Lookout 12/09/2020 Aquis Park Gold Coast Raced wide in the early stages. Race 3 Corbin 24/05/2020 Goulburn When questioned regarding the performance of the gelding, rider stated her mount didn’t handle today’s heavy track conditions. Curic 27/05/2020 Sunshine Coast Slow into stride. Flinders Parade 12/09/2020 Toowoomba Tightened for room at the start. Raced ungenerously and was steadied when awkwardly placed on heels near the 900m. Lucky Enuff 16/09/2020 Eagle Farm Hung out badly approaching and rounding the home turn.A post-race veterinary examination revealed no abnormalities. That’ll BeThe Day 18/09/2020 KilcoyApproaching the 800m when over racing was steadied when awkwardly placed at the heels of FAV’S FLYER. Zou Zou Kacanarkis 18/09/2020 KilcoyMomentarily held up approaching the home turn. Hung out rounding the home turn and made contact with SMALL REWARD. Square Dance 08/06/2020 KilcoyLost the off hind plate in running. Race 4 Ela Beach 08/08/2020 Aquis Park Gold Coast Began awkwardly and shifted out bumping heavily with ABRACADAZZLE. Rider reported the filly felt awkward in its action throughout the race.Vetted - no significant abnormalities. TripThe Light 29/04/2020 Sunshine Coast Reared as the start was effected and lost ground. Roman Reign 10/06/2020 Doomben Began awkwardly and bumped heavily with NOKONDI. Raced in restricted room passing the 600m between HALLSIDEHANKYPANKY and NUCLEAR, which was taken in byTRAMONTO. Judder 16/06/2020 Toowoomba Laid in under pressure in the home straight. Lost the off hind plate in running. Grand 07/03/2020 Eagle Farm Jumped awkwardly outwards and in doing so bumped MISHANI EPIC out onto NORTH ROCKS.Tendency to lay outwards shortly after the start. Bid In A Hurry 16/09/2020 Eagle Farm Leaving the 300m had to be eased. Wandering Princess 15/08/2020 Toowoomba Tightened for room and lost ground near the 750m. Atouchofsyn 19/08/2020 Ipswich Obliged to steady approaching the winning post when crowded for room. Queen Ann 15/08/2020 Aquis Park Gold Coast Slow to begin. Race 5 Sabkhat 12/09/2020 Doomben Raced three wide without cover in the early stage until the 1200m. Near the 250m eased when tightened for room between JUNCTION which shifted out after being bumped on the hind quarter by SABKHAT and SKATETO PARIS which shifted in under pressure. Articus 12/09/2020 Doomben Over raced in the middle stages. Bumped heavily near the 500m by KAONIC which shifted out to improve. Red Doulton 13/09/2020 Sunshine Coast Began awkwardly and shifted in. Shifted in slightly near the 150m Tycoon Street 05/09/2020 Doomben Steadied near the 700m when placed close to the heels of another runner.Approaching the 400m was momentarily tightened between runners. Coral Bay 30/08/2020 Sunshine Coast Slow to begin Race 6 Air Spirit 06/09/2020 Sunshine Coast Began awkwardly, shifted out and bumped BLUE ODYSSEY. In the home straight laid in. MetroTramp 10/09/2020 Ipswich A post-race veterinary examination of the mare did not identify any abnormal findings. Blackboots 04/04/2020 Doomben Began awkwardly, shifted out and hamperedVALIDAR. Sunrise Dancer 08/04/2020 Murray Bridge GH Inconvenienced in the vicinity of the 700m when taken wider.A post-race veterinary examination revealed NVA. Arquera 06/09/2020 Sunshine Coast Near the 800m carried wider. Befana 12/09/2020 Aquis Park Gold Coast Delayed the start when proved difficult to load.Was steadied off heels near the 700m.