Sunshine Coast

10 Race 7 Shezandi As 15/11/2019Ballina Laid out under pressure over the final 100m. Zigallene 23/11/2019Aquis Park Gold Coast Fractious in the gates. Raced 3 wide throughout. Epic Bel 24/11/2019Sunshine Coast Placed in restricted room near the 400m and had to be steadied. Leopard Queen 23/11/2019Toowoomba Stewards questioned trainerT. Hall in relation to the seemingly improved performance. Refer full report. First Dawn 24/11/2019Sunshine Coast When the pace slackened leaving the 900m improved onto heels and had to be checked anD shifted out as a result. Hallowed Girl 23/11/2019Aquis Park Gold Coast Forced wider near the 800m. Cast off hind plate in running. Arc Of Gold 01/11/2019Sunshine Coast Placed in restricted room after passing the 1000m and had to be checked. Just Giveme Rubies 24/11/2019Sunshine Coast Placed in restricted room near the 850m and had to be checked to avoid heels. The Last Road 02/11/2019Aquis Beaudesert Near the 800m when awkwardly placed at the heels of AMUTHON due to the slow tempo, shifted out from behind that runner, causing SAPPHIRE GIFT to steady for a stride. Bombay Bullet 24/11/2019Sunshine Coast Jumped away awkwardly. Edinglassie Flyer 24/11/2019Sunshine Coast Stewards inquired into the reasons for this horse being checked near the 1000m.After taking evidence from the riders involved, it was established that EDINGLASSIE FLYER was tightened for room betweenWINERIES, which shifted out slightly, and SPLENDID SPIRIT, which shifted in despite the efforts of its rider when inclined to hang in away from STAGE PLAY, was shifting ground.After considering the evidence, stewards were satisfied that no rider had ridden carelessly and took no further action. Following this incident commenced to overrace and continued to overrace from the 700m. Placed in r Race 8 Soldiers 16/11/2019Aquis Park Gold Coast Began awkwardly. Starbuster 24/11/2019Sunshine Coast Had some difficulty securing clear running from after passing the 400m until the 300m. Alpendurada 24/11/2019Sunshine Coast Raced wide. Back the Rock 01/11/2019Sunshine Coast Became awkward approaching the 1200m when being restrained to obtain cover. Raced wide throughout. Murless 23/11/2019Toowoomba Proved reluctant to race inside runners in the early stages at which point the gelding raced ungenerously. On return to scale, jockey R. Goltz reported that his mount was outpaced in the early stages and was hard ridden for the majority. He added that the colt made strong late ground over the concluding stages and, and his opinion, would be better suited over distances greater than 1000m at its upcoming starts. Aiolos 25/11/2019Ballina Steadied when tightened for room shortly after the start. SaysWho 23/11/2019Aquis Park Gold Coast Bumped on jumping and lost ground. Near the 800m made the turn awkwardly and shifted out. Shortly thereafter, improved onto the heels of ROTHENBURG, steadied and shifted wider to avoid that runner, forcing CONCAVE and REDSTONE wider on the course. Boots ‘N’Awe 16/11/2019Aquis Park Gold Coast Shortly after start laid out making contact with IN GREAT NIC. Passing 1200m commenced to overrace and raced ungenerously proving difficult to restrain. Rider re tactics - instructed race handy position if possible as per recent run at Beaudesert.Added advised by trainer not to get into a speed duel throughout noting possible leader would be CLASS OF ROYALTY.Added once crossed by IN GREAT NIC overraced short distance but after passing 900m travelled comfortably but when placed under pressure proved disappointing. Zouzouzalo 20/11/2019Toowoomba Raced wide with cover for the majority. TheWardsmen 24/11/2019Sunshine Coast Slow to begin. Redstone 23/11/2019Aquis Park Gold Coast Slow into stride. Forced wider near the 700m. It’s Not an Issue 24/11/2019Sunshine Coast Shortly after the start shifted in despite the efforts of its rider and had to be checked from heels.Then raced 3 wide. Jockey Sewell reported his mount returned to scale with blood in its mouth. STEWARDS REPORT