Sunshine Coast

7 Super Shares Began awkwardly, shifted out and tightened runners. Near the 1400m had to be eased when a runner, shifted in when insufficiently clear In the early and middle stages raced keenly. Inside the 200m bumped with Boddington. Approaching the finish had to be eased when a runner, shifted in when insufficiently clear. A postrace veterinary examination revealed no abnormality. MWBH 21/01/2023 Mont Royal Rider N Thomas reported the horse never travelled at any stage of the event. KCOY 12/01/2023 Race 6 DUNLOP SUPER DEALER CALOUNDRA QTIS Three-Year-Old Maiden Handicap 1400m Sha Of Gomer Began awkwardly. Over raced in the early and middle stages. Laid in under pressure in the home straight. A post race veterinary examination revealed no significant findings. DOOM 21/01/2023 Galaxy General Tightened between runners jumping away. A post-race veterinary examination did not reveal any abnormality. BLNA 26/12/2022 Johnny Utah Jumped out at the start and bumped CHIKA.DOOM 11/01/2023 So Daring Laid out in the early stages of the home straight. GATT 05/01/2023 Dirty Dancing Raced wide throughout. Laid in under pressure in the straight and approaching the 200m when laying in, became awkwardly placed on the heels of ALFA LILY.DOOM 21/01/2023 Kalends After being fractious in the tie up stalls, was examined by the veterinary surgeon and cleared to start. DOOM 11/01/2023 Sistine Chapel Near the 800m steadied when racing in restricted room. Approaching the 400m restrained when racing in restricted room. SCST 15/01/2023 Berakahquinn Tightened for room shortly after the start. DALB 20/01/2023 Grandcoeur Bumped at the start. Near the 200m had to be restrained when MASTER TYLER shifted out under pressure. N Berriman, rider of MASATER TYLER, was reprimanded under AR131(a) for careless riding in this incident.SCST 15/01/2023 Loose Unit A short distance after the start bumped on the hindquarters when CAMPIONE laid out momentarily. Raced wide for the majority of the event. SCST 15/01/2023 Fit And Proper Jumped out abruptly at the start and checked BETTER BE NORDY. Over-raced for a short distance near the 700m. Bumped leaving the 200m.DOOM 25/01/2023 Lovezeladys Raced wide for the majority of the event. SCST 20/01/2023 Lord Gold The tongue tie on the horse was refitted on arrival at the barriers. Bumped at the start. SCST 20/01/2023 Our Drummer Jumped in at the start and became awkward and bumped SWISS EXILE. SCST 29/04/2022 Modele After being marginally slow to begin shifted in and bumped before being crowded, becoming awkwardly placed on heels and having to be momentarily eased. Raced keenly in the middle stages. IPSW 22/12/2022 Roger Express (NZ) Began awkwardly. E FM 28/12/2022 Race 7 MARTIN COLLINS AUSTRALIA QTIS Three-Year-Old BENCHMARK 62 Handicap 1300m Rebel News Began awkwardly, losing ground. GCST 26/11/2022 Where’s Tekay Now Began awkwardly and bumped OUTBACK PLAYBOY to its outside. Laid out and bumped OUTBACK PLAYBOY again at the 200m point. DALB 20/01/2023 Yes To Excess Had to be steadied when awkwardly placed at heels approaching the winning post. Rider B Thompson reported he was disappointed in the performance of the horse which he attributed to him being obliged to apply pressure to YES TO EXCESS in the early stages of the event in an endeavour to secure a forward position. He added in his opinion YES TO EXCESS may be better suited ridden more conservatively in the early stages of its races. IPSW 30/12/2022 Nippa’s Nightcap Crowded between runners on jumping and lost ground. Steadied from heels near the 1200m. E FM 07/09/2022 Six Sides Passing the 150m rider T Brooker lost use of her offside rein resulting in her becoming unbalanced and being placed at some disadvantage for short distance thereafter. SCST 20/01/2023 Zhuang Shi Began awkwardly. SCST 09/10/2022 Like A Lark Jumped in at the start and bumped NORTHERN PRIDE. SCST 20/01/2023 Whistling Spirit Over-raced in the early stages of the event. SCST 20/01/2023 Viminele After being loaded into the barriers, became fractious, was removed, underwent a veterinary examination, and was cleared to start. KCOY 12/01/2023 Menari Magic Jumped away awkwardly and hampered shortly DOOM 21/01/2023 Sunset Soiree Began awkwardly and as a result lost ground. IPSW 07/01/2023 Sizzling Gal Bumped by NORTHERN PRIDE on a number of occasions in the home straight. SCST 20/01/2023 Race 8 TAB Class 3 Handicap 1200m Ljungberg Raced three wide with cover. DOOM 31/12/2022 Delyth Approaching the 700m became awkwardly placed on the heels of TORUN and was obliged to steady. Raced in restricted room for a number of strides thereafter. DOOM 21/01/2023 Thunder Mania Jockey L Cassidy reported that his mount laid in under pressure in the home straight. SCST 22/01/2023 Light Of Boom Unable to improve rounding the home turn when held up on heels. Approaching and passing the 200m was obliged to ease in around heels to continue to improve. BLNA 13/01/2023 The Kewess Slow to begin. Held up rounding the home turn E FM 04/01/2023 Apple Tart Jumped in at the start and bumped SEDUCTION QUEEN. A post-race veterinary examination revealed the mare to have sustained lacerations to the off foreleg and was treated on course. DOOM 25/01/2023 Golly Hutt Jumped awkwardly and lost ground. Improved onto heels approaching the 800m and shifted out. SCST 03/04/2022 Vetta Velocita Began awkwardly and lost significant ground. Over raced in the middle stages. SCST 28/01/2023 Belistic Man Near the 700m had to be checked SCST 15/01/2023 Amber One Raced keenly from the 1700m and shifted out bumping another runner near the 1650m. Took the course proper crossing at the 1500m awkwardly. Raced wide from the 900m. TWBA17/12/2022