Rosehill Gardens

21 Children are welcome at all race meetings held at Royal Randwick, Rosehill Gardens, Canterbury Park and Warwick Farm. On many weekend race meetings there is free children’s entertainment available. Children in the general admission area should be under the company of a responsible adult at all times. Children entering the Members’ Enclosure must be in the company of a responsible adult at all times and must be suitably attired. There are no restricted areas within the racecourse (except for ‘Members’ Only Areas’) however patrons under the age of 18 years of age (minors) are not permitted entry to the racecourse unless accompanied by their Legal Guardian or Loco Parentis. (Responsible adult). This can be in the form of: • A parent, step-parent or guardian of the minor • A person who is, for time being, in loco parentis to the minor. This person must be 25 years of age or older and be able to verify to the satisfaction of the ATC their relationship to the minor Definition of In Loco Parentis. The term “Loco Parentis” describes a relationship similar to that of a parent to a child; specifically it refers to an individual who assumes parental status and responsibilities for another individual, usually a young person, without formally adopting that person. Any minor found in close proximity to or using alcohol or gaming outlets will be asked to leave the venue. The person identified as being responsible for the minor (as per the NSW Liquor Act 2007 in relation to Responsible Adults) will also be asked to leave the venue. Prosecution by the NSW Police is also an option. LIQUoR LICENsING REGULATIoNs sMILE - yoU’RE oN CCTV Members and their guests must observe the Liquor Licensing Regulations in place at the Australian Turf Club. The ATC follows guidelines for the Responsible Service of Alcohol. Staff members are instructed not to serve any alcoholic beverages to guests under the age of 18 years, or to guests in a state of intoxication. In addition to any action taken by the NSW Police, disciplinary action will be taken by the Board against Members and/or their guests who are in breach of the Liquor Licensing Regulations applicable to the ATC. Members and their guests must observe the Liquor Licensing Regulations in place at the Australian Turf Club. The ATC follows guidelines for the Responsible Service of Alcohol. Staff members are instructed not to serve any alcoholic beverages to guests under the age of 18 years, or to guests in a state of intoxication. In addition to any action taken by the NSW Police, disciplinary action will be taken by the Board against Members and/or their guests who are in breach of the Liquor Licensing Regulations applicable to the ATC. ChILdREN AT ThE RACECoURsE