
7 A champion becomes a legend! Makybe Diva has won it! ,VIK 2MPIW “ ” “ ” 2005 After a slew of major wins, Freedman and Santic decided Makybe Diva was fit enough to race. Sentiment and anticipation saw her start the favourite. Boss placed her perfectly, guiding her through the field until the final 300m, when she sprinted past the roaring crowd to make history. Her winning margin was 1.3 lengths again, and she carried the record weight of 58kg. Following the win, Tony Santic announced that the ‘Diva’ was to be retired, closing the chapter on one of the most incredible moments in Australian racing history. DID YOU KNOW? 2EO]FI )MZEƶW REQI [EW GVIEXIH EJXIV LIV S[RIV ERH FVIIHIV 8SR] ERXMG XSSO XLI JMVWX X[S PIXXIVW JVSQ JMZI JIQEPI WXEJJIVW IQTPS]IH MR LMW 5SVX 1MRGSPR SJJMGI 2EYVIIR 0]PMI 'IPMRHE )MERE ERH :ERIWWE -IV GSPSYVW SJ VS]EP FPYI [LMXI WXEVW ERH VIH ERH [LMXI GLIGOW [IVI E TEXVMSXMG RSH XS ERXMGƶW (VSEXMER LIVMXEKI FAST FACTS RACES 36 WINS 15 GROUP 1 VICTORIES 7 IN PRIZEMONEY $ 14,526,685 Go find the smallest child on this course, because they will be the only example of a person who will live long enough to see something like that again. 1II +VIIHQER