
2020 LEXUS MELBOURNE CUP TOUR The Victoria Racing Club formally acknowledges Principal Partner Lexus in the ongoing development of the 2020 Lexus Melbourne Cup Tour and the support sponsorship of ABC Bullion and TABCorp. Without their support the objectives of the Tour could not be achieved. It goes without saying, it has been a most challenging year for all yet the support from communities across Australia in taking the Cup to the People (virtually) has been an unprecedented success. In 2020, 27 destinations were visited (virtually) by the Tour and this year again included the Lexus Melbourne Cup Tour National Sweep whereby 24 regional and rural areas across Australia have the chance to win $50,000 directed to a chosen registered charity of their choice. Profiled virtually throughout has been the 18 carat gold Lexus Melbourne Cup trophy, made up the Pallion Group through their ABC Bullion brand valued at $200,000.