
4 B efore Makybe Diva, Archer (1861-62), Peter Pan (1932 and 1934), Rain Lover (1968-69) and Think Big (1974-75) were the only other horses to win multiple Melbourne Cups. David Hall trained Makybe Diva in her initial Cup victory before moving to Hong Kong. Then entered Lee Freedman. Before long we were no longer looking at a mere handicapper but an elite weight-for-age performer. Makybe Diva was inducted into the Australian Racing Hall of Fame in 2006 and elevated to Legend status in 2010. After several years at stud, she has yet to leave progeny anywhere near the same class as herself but, if history follows form, watch out for progeny from her daughters. RACE DAY FEATURE A LEGEND of e MELBOURNE CUP .R E JMZI ]IEV SPH QEVI PMRIH YT XS GSRXIWX XLI 2IPFSYVRI (YT 1MXXPI HMH XLI [SVPH ORS[ XLEX MR XLMW LSVWI [SYPH [MR JSV XLI XLMVH XMQI MR E VS[ +MJXIIR ]IEVW SR [I VIJPIGX SR SRI SJ XLI KVIEXIWX VEGI QEVIW SJ SYV XMQI 2EO]FI )MZE