
8 MRGI XLI ǻVWX 2IPFSYVRI (YT [EW VYR MR FSXL XLI VEGI ERH XLI XVSTL] XLEX GSQQIQSVEXIW MX ƴ 8LI 5ISTPIƶW (YT ƴ LEZI YRMUYIP] GETXYVIH XLI WTMVMX SJ [LEX MX QIERW XS FI &YWXVEPMER It’s a spirit of shared pride, of Aussie togetherness, and a strong focus on community that the Cup has always encapsulated. And it is in this very same spirit that the Victoria Racing Club (VRC) launches the 2IPFSYVRI (YT +SYRHEXMSR this Cup Week. A CHARITABLE FOUNDATION THAT EMBODIES OUR CORE VALUES. The Melbourne Cup Foundation is an embodiment of all that the VRC stands for. It draws on our history, heritage and commitment to improvement in every aspect of racing: the industry, the animals, and the lives and livelihoods of the people who participate. The Foundation’s ethos and intent is consistent with VRC values since our inception 160 years ago. The Club has played a central role in supporting Australian racing culture, equine welfare, and education and training across many related industries. Indeed, these three pillars form the Foundation’s very purpose. OUR HERITAGE & COMMUNITY The VRC i s proud to announce the Me lbourne Cup Founda t ion Honouring 2 * 1 ' 4 9 7 3 * ( 9 5 + 4 9 3 )&8 . 4 3