Alcohol Consumption The Kangaroo Island Racing Club (KIRC) promotes the responsible consumption of alcohol. The Cygnet Racecourse is licensed by the KIRC, thereby allowing the sale of OLTXRU LQ GHÀQHG DUHDV DQG WKH FRQVXPSWLRQ RI OLTXRU E\ SHUVRQV RYHU WKH age of 18 years. You are reminded that minors (persons under the age of 18 years) are not allowed to possess, obtain or consume alcohol within the licensed area. It is an offence for a person to supply alcohol to a minor. 7KH .,5& LV FRPPLWWHG WR SURYLGLQJ D 5DFLQJ &DUQLYDO WKDW LV VDIH DQG enjoyable for all those attending, promoting responsible attitudes and SUHYHQWLQJ UDSLG DQG RU H[FHVVLYH FRQVXPSWLRQ RI DOFRKRO
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