Ladbrokes Cox Plate Dining & Hospitality 2022

D i n i n g M e m b e r s' RESERV E Enjoy exquisite dining in our Members’ restaurants at all race meetings at The Valley. Members’ restaurants are open for lunch on racedays and for dinner on racenights throughout the season. BUY NOW • The Members’ Bistro is open during all race meetings and offers unreserved dining • The Members’ Jockey Bar is located on the second level of the grandstand and is open to Members and their Guests for lunch/dinner at every race meeting. Reservations must be made prior to the race meeting • Guests must have either an Annual Guest Card or have purchased a Daily Visitor Pass to access either the Members’ Bistro or Members’ Jockey Bar (Daily visitor passes not available on Ladbrokes Cox Plate Day) For bookings and enquiries, please contact one of the team on 1300 843 825. Want to bring along a non-member? L A D B R O K E S C O X P L A T E C A R N I V A L - G U I D E Purchase an annual guest card. 4 8