Ladbrokes Cox Plate Dining & Hospitality 2022

R e s e r v e d GR ANDSTAND SE AT ING A spectacular way to watch the ten-race card and the Centenary running of the W.S. Cox Plate. Reserved grandstand seating is undercover and provides a premium vantage point to enjoy all the elite racing action and on-course entertainment. Seats are available in the Members’ Grandstand, Burston and Upper Burston Grandstand. LADBROKES COX PLATE DAY MEMBERS NON-MEMBERS MEMBERS’ SEATING $85 N/A UPPER BURSTON SEATING $85 $180* BURSTON SEATING $85 $180* *Includes racecourse admission for non-members. L A D B R O K E S C O X P L A T E C A R N I V A L - D I N I N G & H O S P I T A L I T Y LEARN MORE 2 9