Ladbrokes Cox Plate Dining & Hospitality 2022

B r e a k f a s t WI TH THE BE S T TUESDAY, 18 OCTOBER 2 02 2 – THE VALLE Y R ACECOURSE , 6AM One of the most popular events of Ladbrokes Cox Plate Carnival week is the Breakfast with the Best. This is your chance to go behind the scenes and hear the late mail from those in the know and watch horses go through their paces, all the while enjoying a complimentary hot breakfast. GOLD COIN DONATION. ALL PROCEEDS WILL GO TO THE 2022 LADBROKES COX PLATE CARNIVAL CHARITY PARTNER FIND OUT MORE L A D B R O K E S C O X P L A T E C A R N I V A L – E V E N T S 1 0