
6 Patrons are requested to note that it is a condition of entry that no Prohibited Goods (as listed below) are brought on to the racecourse premises. • Alcoholic beverages and glassware; • Sporting goods such as footballs or tennis balls; • Flares or other explosive or inflammable goods or equipment; • Firearms, knives or any other implement or item that in the opinion of the Club may be used as a weapon; • Laser pointers and any other device that in the opinion of the Racing Stewards may interfere with thoroughbred horses; • Market umbrellas; • Mobile structures and tents; • Animals other than Guide Dogs; • Flags and banners; • Any item or attire that may be considered offensive by the Club’s authorised representative; and/or • Any object or item that represents, or may represent, a risk to health or safety or which may otherwise tend to offend, insult, disturb amenity, disrupt or cause nuisance to any person or animal as determined by the Club. It is a condition of entry to the racecourse premises that all bags and other carriers (such as drink coolers) are allowed to be searched for Prohibited Goods by the Club’s authorised representatives. The Club has the right to conduct metal detector searches for any of the Prohibited Goods. If found, the Club’s authorised representatives will not allow Prohibited Goods to be brought on to the racecourse premises. The Club’s authorised representatives may also prohibit entry to the racecourse premises of any person found to be in the possession of Prohibited Goods. Patrons refusing to be searched by the Club’s authorised representatives or who are in possession of Prohibited Goods are deemed to be undesirable persons and will be refused entry to the racecourse premises and/or expelled from the racecourse premises. The Club also reserves the right to refuse entry and to remove any person whose appearance and/or behaviour is considered to be offensive, or who fails to immediately follow the direction of any official or Steward. Members of the public who lawfully enter this racecourse are permitted to take images for personal usage providing that they do not: (a) enter a restricted area within the racecourse to take images (including any area designated for accredited media); (b) sell, or attempt to sell, images taken at the racecourse to a third party without express authority obtained from Racing Victoria Limited; (c) interfere with the conduct of a race or trial meeting or deny a racing participant the opportunity to safely complete their duties; and/or (d) breach the Rules of Racing in any manner. Where the Club or the Stewards reasonably suspect that images are being, or are proposed to be, taken for non-personal use (including for publication on the internet or via other media, or to supply the images to a third party for any purpose), or contrary to the provisions above, the person taking the images may be: (a) required, upon request, to provide their camera to the Club or the Stewards for the duration of the race meeting or otherwise to allow for the deletion of all images taken at the racecourse; and/or refused entry to the racecourse premises or liable to immediate removal from the racecourse premises at the direction of the Club or the Stewards. Unless a Patron has reached a prior agreement with the Club to the contrary, any photograph, film, moving footage, tape or other images taken of you whilst at the racecourse premises by or on behalf of the Club will be taken for the purpose of, and may be used, to help promote the Club, and related events. You acknowledge your image may be published, broadcast, or otherwise distributed by the Club or any third party authorised by it in any media (with or without identification) and in publications within as well as outside Victoria. Please note that any person 17 years or under must be accompanied by a responsible adult. Patrons are requested to note that access to the racecourse premises is at the discretion of the Club. It is your responsibility to inform yourself of the full conditions of entry (which are available on the Club’s website terms-and-conditions), and you are deemed to have agreed to, and understood, these conditions by purchasing your ticket and accessing the racecourse premises. A person found breaching the conditions of entry is not entitled to a refund of any money paid for admission to the racecourse premises. These measures are in the interest of patron safety and enjoyment, and the co-operation of the public in assisting with these measures is greatly appreciated. By Order of the Chief Executive JOSH BLANKSBY Notice to Patr ns - Conditions Of Entry