On Track - Spring 2019

15 The Annual General Meeting of Members of the Moonee Valley Racing Club Inc. will be held in the Committee Room, Level 4, at the Moonee Valley Racecourse on Tuesday 19 November 2019 at 12.00pm. The Business of the Annual General Meeting will include: 1. Confirmation of the minutes of the last AGM, held 27 November 2018; 2. Consideration of the accounts of the Club and the audit report for the year ended 31 July 2019; 3. Election of committee members (if required)*; 4. Election of auditors; 5. Any general business; and 6. Any special business of which notice has been given in accordance with the Club rules. * Per Club Rule 8.8, three Committee Members are required to retire at each election and are eligible to seek re-election. Any Member holding voting rights is also eligible to stand for election. Nominations for Committee close at 5.00pm on Friday 4 October 2019. Nomination forms may be obtained from the Chief Executive. More information about the Committee Nomination process is available at https://www.thevalley.com.au/about/club-rules Michael Browell Chief Executive THE INFIELD OPENS UP NEW POSSIBILITIES The land located in the centre of the track, referred to as the infield, will remain owned, operated and managed by the Moonee Valley Racing Club. This area of the racecourse will only be utilised for racing events and larger non-racing events when required. As part of the redevelopment, the MVRC, in collaboration with its development partner, is looking to activate the infield year round for non-racing future uses for the benefit of local residents and the greater community. Infrastructure requirements through and within the infield to service the redevelopment of the area remains under review with some core activities already commencing on site such as the trunk sewer installation. The infrastructure requirements for racing operations including the track reconfiguration is in the concept design stage with the detailed design process to commence in 2020. NEW GRANDSTAND AND CLUBHOUSE DESIGN CONTINUES The new state-of-the-art Grandstand will be constructed on Wilson Street as per the Master Plan, which responds to the Special Use Zoning of the land with delivery programmed for mid-2026. The evolving Grandstand design is now envisaged to incorporate an amazing Clubhouse on the corner of Thomas and Wilson Streets, with uninterrupted sweeping views to the Melbourne CBD. MVRC will engage with the community through the detailed design phase, with the planning submission anticipated to be lodged in 2021. The existing Grandstand (and Legends) will remain operational until demolition commences after the 2024 Ladbrokes Cox Plate. The Annual General Meeting of Members of the Moonee Valley Racing Club Inc. will be held in the Committee Room, Level 4, at the Moonee Valley Racecourse o Tuesday 19 November 2019 at 12.00pm. Michael Browell, Chief Executive The Business of the Annual General Meeting will include: 1. Confirmati n of the minutes of th last AGM, held 27 November 2018; 2. Consideration of the accounts of the Club and the audit report for the year ended 31 July 2019; 3. Election of c mmitt e members (if required)*; 4. Election of auditors; 5. Any general business; and 6. Any special business of which notice has been given in accordance with the Club rules. * Per Club Rule 8.8, three Committee Members are required to retire at each election and are eligible to seek re-election. Any Member holding voting rights is also eligibl to stand for electi . ominations for Committee close at 5.00pm on Friday 4 October 2019. Nomination forms may be obtained from the Chief Executive. More information about the Committee Nomination process is available at - https://www.thevalley.com.au/about/club-rules An artist’s impression of the new Grandstand at The Valley