Racing Australia Fact Book 2017/18

77 RACING AUSTRALIA FACT BOOK 2017/2018 INDUSTRY TRENDS Races, Prizemoney and Foal Crops 1992/93 – 2016/17 Foal Crop Races Prizemoney 2013/14 2007/08 2003/04 2000/01 1995/96 2012/13 2006/07 2002/03 1997/98 1999/00 1994/95 2011/12 2005/06 2001/02 1996/97 1998/99 1993/94 1992/93 2014/15 2008/09 2004/05 2015/16 2009/10 2016/17 2010/11 $0 $600M $700M $500M $400M $300M $200M $100M 0 30,000 35,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 Photo: Courtesy of RWWA (Western Racepix). Source: Australian Stud Book Note: All figures are correct as at 15 October 2018. Figures unavailable for 2017/18 as foaling season is incomplete.