Racing Australia Annual Report 2019

RACING AUSTRALIA ANNUAL REPORT 2019 | 25 Phase of Service Service Standard Average Monthly Calculation Target Standard Actual Annual Variance Traffic Light Nominations RA Nominations to be Released within no more than 10 min official close 98% 99.21% +1.21% Riders RA Riders to be Released within no more than 18 min official close 98% 99.53% +1.53% Acceptances PRA Acceptances to be Released within no more than 15 min official close 98% 99.46% +1.46% Scratchings RA Final Scratchings to be released within no more than: 15 min official close where no Emergencies 98% 99.72% +1.72% 20 min official close where Emergencies 98% 99.89% +1.89% SERVICE CENTRE TOTAL SMS & EMAIL COMMUNICATIONS CALLS ANSWERED & TRANSACTIONS 1,295,373 Total SMS Sent by Racing Australia 107,947 Monthly Average SMS Sent by Racing Australia 2,159,936 Total Emails Sent by Racing Australia 179,994 Monthly Average Emails Sent by Racing Australia 156,545 Calls Answered 77.24% Online Nominations Transactions 22.76% Phone Nominations Transactions CALLS ANSWERED SERVICE Phase of Service Service Standard Service Standard Actual Annual Variation Number of Calls Monthly Average Traffic Light Call Answer 60% of calls to be answered in less than 60 seconds 60% 77.50% +17.50% 120,610 10,050 Call Answer 30% of calls to be answered between 60 and 120 seconds 30% 12.65% +17.35% 19,680 1,640 Call Answer 10% of calls answered over two minutes 10% 6.75% +3.25% 10,884 907 Call Answer 5% of calls abandoned before being answered 5% 3.43% +1.57% 5,371 448 Total Call Time 2 minutes 40 seconds 2.40 mins 1.19 Mins 1.21 Mins 156,545 13,045