Racing Australia Annual Report 2019

22 | RACING AUSTRALIA ANNUAL REPORT 2019 RACING AUSTRALIA – SINGLE NATIONAL SYSTEM S T A B L E E M P L O Y E R B O O K M A K E R F L O A T D R I V E R EQUINE LAB CONNECT TREATMENT TRACKER INJURY TRACKER STAKES PAYMENT RACE DAY PUBLISHING RACING St a b l e As s i s t Jockey Assist STEWARDS LICENSING JOCKEY SILKS BONUS SCHEME REGISTRAR STUD BOOK J O C K E Y / R I D E R S A G E N T S R A C E C L U B P U N T E R / M E D I A B R E E D E R T R A I N E R O W N E R O W N E R S P O R T A L ( M Y H O R S E R A C I N G . H O R S E ) The Single National System (SNS) has been developed by Racing Australia in conjunction with the Principal Racing Authorities nationally. Completed in March 2019 with the last Principal Racing Authority migrating onto the national platform the SNS has consolidated multiple technology platforms into one national system. The SNS is already creating opportunities for greater efficiencies, removal of duplications within infrastructure in each State and Territory and substantive benefits for industry participants in many of their core interactions including but not limited to licensing, ownership/horse registration, stakes payments and bonus scheme administration. Stewards and Handicappers along with Racing Departments are amongst key industry stakeholders who will also benefit from access to the SNS. Importantly, the SNS is not about changing who performs the business process, but rather about providing a set of unified tools. Based on one unique profile per participant Racing Australia via the Single National System provides the backend to all of the industry’s core integrity and business processes.