Racing Australia Annual Report 2017

Racing Australia Annual Report 2017 | 23 Yearly Calculation Target Standard Actual Standard Variation T raffic Light Total Annual Monthly average Registration Applications received and completed in the month 8,427 702.25 Registration Applications received in the month where not all information was provided and could not be completed (further follow-up required) 1,177 98.08 Registration Applications completed within 5 business days of receipt 90% 81.88% -8.12% 6,986 582.17 DNA kits dispatched within 3 business days, including imports 100% 100% 0% 12,954 1,079.50 DNA ID Forms processed/ID card dispatched within 2 business days of receipt, including imports 100% 100% 0% 12,649 1,054.08 New Breeder, Brand and Veterinarian Applications processed within 2 business days 100% 100% 0% 993 82.75 Racing Australia has established across the operations of the organisation Service Standard Performance monitoring and reporting. The service standards are integrated into the training of Racing Australia staff and into the technical infrastructure design. The monthly results are used as one of the tools to monitor and improve the overall service delivered by Racing Australia to the industry. The reports are published monthly on the Racing Australia website. Meeting service standard Within negative 1% of service standard Below service standard 9,270 Received 772.50 Monthly average received 10,914 Processed 909.50 Monthly average processed 219 Received 18.25 Monthly average received 219 Processed 18.25 Monthly average processed OWNERS & BREEDERS SERVICES HORSE REGISTRATIONS CHANGE OF NAME Service Standard Performance Report For the year ended 30 June 2017