2021 Ladbrokes Cox Plate Carnival Members' Dining and Hospitality Brochure

L ADBROK E S COX PL AT E CARN I VA L B a r r i e r D r a w BRE AK FA S T TUESDAY 19 OCTOBER , 2 021 – CELEBR I T Y ROOM, 8 AM Following Breakfast with the Best, all eyes shift to the annual Barrier Draw Breakfast where you can experience all the highs and lows as connections learn their fate for the Ladbrokes Manikato Stakes and the Ladbrokes Cox Plate. Hear from industry experts and racing personalities as they discuss the final fields over a buffet breakfast. A must attend event for any racing lover! MEMBERS NON-MEMBERS LADBROKESCOXPLATECARNIVAL BARIER DRAW BREAKFAST $65 $85 L A D B R O K E S C O X P L A T E C A R N I V A L – E V E N T S BOOK NOW 9