Racing Australia Fact Book 2022

86 | Racing Australia Fact Book 2022 Race Trends National Black Type Breakdown Table 65. Black Type Open Races by Distance and Status 2021/22 Distance <1400 1401–1800 >1801 Total Group 1 21 11 13 45 Group 2 20 9 10 39 Group 3 35 11 26 72 Listed 83 29 37 149 Restricted Listed 1 - - 1 Total 160 60 86 306 Status NSW VIC QLD WA SA TAS ACT Total Group 1 15 22 4 3 1 - - 45 Group 2 14 16 5 3 1 - - 39 Group 3 24 22 8 11 5 2 - 72 Listed 31 43 26 27 15 5 2 149 Restricted Listed - - 1 - - - - 1 Total 84 103 44 44 22 7 2 306 Black Type Open Races by State 2021/22 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 NSW VIC QLD WA SA ACT TAS Left to Right: Replica Queen’s Cup, N.E. Manion Cup and the Perpetual Queens Cup Trophies on display. (Photo courtesy of 306 Black Type Open Races in Race Season 2021/22